4 Weird Behaviours That Could Mean Your Dog Senses a Spirit

4 Weird Behaviours That Could Mean Your Dog Senses a Spirit

Last Updated on November 22, 2023 by Dogs Vets

4 Weird Behaviours That Could Mean Your Dog Senses a Spirit

Dogs are protectors by nature and love keeping their best friend-man safe. But what happens when your dog starts acting differently and trying to get your attention to something or someone you cannot see?

Odd behaviour can be linked to the supernatural, and if you are asking if dogs can see ghosts, then the simple answer to that question is most likely yes.

There are certain behaviours that can tell you when a presence is near. Let’s dive into them!.

Weird Dog Behaviours When Sensing Spirits

Here are some of the weird behaviours your dog might exhibit when there is a spirit close by.

Showing anxious behaviour, barking or whining.

Sudden signs of anxiousness or barking and whining can mean that a presence is in the same room or lurking nearby.

  • Give your dog extra treats to help him relax. Since treats are used as a reward for good behaviour, your dog might feel that you are thanking him/her for protecting you.
  • Make his/her mat their comfort space- sprinkle toys and treats in this area to help your dog unwind and find comfort.
  • Use the “find it” strategy to distract your dog and make them focus on something else.
  • If your dog manages to relax all on his/her own, then placing a treat in front of them for their good behaviour is another way to keep your dog in a calm state.
  • Have your dog rest his/her chin in the palm of your hand as a sign of comfort to your pet.
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These tips are useful if your dog is feeling distressed and you are looking for calm ways to interact and show affection.


Dogs can learn new tricks and mimic human behaviour all too well until it becomes something strange and out of the norm.

These behaviours have been linked to a spirit presence and involve your dog being suspiciously drawn to one area in your house, staring into space and following nothing around the home, trying to protect you from a danger they can only see or seeking comfort for no reason, and showing anxious behaviour, by barking and whining unnecessarily.

For more information on the spirit world and how it affects your dogs, you can visit https://dogsvets.com.

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