Eating Pet Foods: Can Cats Eat Dog Food? 7 Shocking Things To Know

Eating Pet Foods: Can cats eat dog food? 7 Shocking things to Know

Last Updated on September 28, 2024 by Dogs Vets

Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

If you’re here, you’re likely wondering if it’s safe for your cat to nibble on some dog food. Maybe your cat was caught stealing a few bites from your dog’s bowl, or you ran out of cat food and are considering dog food as an alternative.

Let’s dive into whether cats can safely eat dog food and the differences between feline and canine diets.

Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

In short, yes, cats can eat dog food, but only for short-term emergencies. Cats and dogs have vastly different nutritional needs, so dog food should not become a regular part of your cat’s diet.

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they require a diet rich in animal proteins and specific nutrients like taurine, which dog food lacks in sufficient amounts. Meanwhile, dogs are omnivores, thriving on a mix of meat, grains, and vegetables.

Why Can’t Cats Eat Dog Food Regularly?

Dog food doesn’t meet the nutritional needs that are vital for a cat’s long-term health. For example, cats need:

  • High protein from meat or fish
  • Amino acids, such as taurine and arginine
  • Fatty acids
  • Essential vitamins and minerals
  • Plenty of water
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Dog food lacks taurine, an amino acid crucial for a cat’s heart health, vision, and immune function. Over time, a taurine deficiency can lead to serious health problems, including muscle loss and lethargy.

What Does Cat Food Provide That Dog Food Lacks?

Cat food is designed to meet the specific needs of a carnivorous diet. Here’s a breakdown of what cat food includes and why it’s important:

  • Animal protein: Cats require a diet with high amounts of protein, typically 30-45%.
  • Fatty acids: Essential for skin, coat, and overall health.
  • Taurine: Necessary for heart and eye function.
  • Caloric density: Cat food is higher in calories because of their faster metabolism.

In contrast, dog food contains more carbohydrates, which cats don’t need in large quantities. This makes it unsuitable for a cat’s diet in the long term.


What If My Cat Accidentally Eats Dog Food?

No need to panic! If your cat takes a few bites of dog food, it won’t cause harm in the short term. According to Dr. Sara Ochoa, DVM, cats can eat dog food in an emergency, but it shouldn’t be a habit.

Long-term feeding of dog food to cats can lead to nutritional deficiencies, especially in taurine and other essential nutrients.


Differences Between Dog and Cat Food

  • Dog food contains protein, grains, and vegetables to meet the omnivorous needs of dogs.
  • Cat food is specifically designed to provide high levels of protein and fats that cater to a cat’s carnivorous nature.

Here’s a quick comparison:

Nutrient Cat Food Dog Food
Protein High (30-45%) Moderate
Taurine Required Optional
Fat High (15-20%) Moderate
Carbohydrates Minimal Higher

What Happens If Dogs Eat Cat Food?

While it’s not harmful for a dog to occasionally eat cat food, it isn’t advisable for them to consume it regularly. Cat food is high in protein and fat, which can lead to gastrointestinal issues like obesity or pancreatitis in dogs. The American Kennel Club advises against feeding dogs cat food as a regular diet because it can disrupt their nutritional balance.

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Feeding in Multi-Pet Households

In homes with both cats and dogs, it’s common for pets to get curious about each other’s food bowls. To prevent this, Mikel Delgado, a cat behavior expert, suggests creating separate feeding areas. Cats prefer to eat in private, whereas dogs might be more food-driven and prone to eating whatever is available.

Foods Toxic to Cats

While we’re on the topic of food safety, remember that certain human foods can be dangerous for cats, including:

  • Chocolate
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Grapes and raisins

Though kittens may drink milk, adult cats are often lactose intolerant, so avoid giving them cow’s milk.

Can Cats Survive on Dog Food Temporarily?

If you’re in a bind and have no cat food, dog food can serve as a temporary solution. However, cats cannot thrive on dog food in the long term. Their bodies will suffer from the lack of protein, taurine, and fatty acids.

The bottom line? Dog food is okay in emergencies, but cats need their own food to stay healthy.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the basic difference between dog food and cat food?

Dr. Leslie: Cats have a higher requirement for many essential nutrients, while dogs can adapt to life on very little.

Cat food, therefore, tends to contain more protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. Cat food is also smaller for the smaller mouth and higher in calories.

Many ingredients used in dog and cat foods are similar, if not the same. It is the amounts used to balance the food that vary.

For example, cats are obligate carnivores and have higher requirements for protein, essential amino acids, fatty acids and many vitamins. Their bodies cannot produce the essential nutrients at all or fast enough to meet their metabolic needs.

So dogs could probably eat most cat foods, but cats should not eat dog food. However, some cat food nutrients are also dangerous for dogs.

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1. What happens if my cat eats dog food?

While dog food isn’t toxic to cats, it doesn’t provide the essential nutrients they need. If your cat eats dog food occasionally, they should be fine. However, feeding dog food as a long-term diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies.


2. Can dogs eat cat food?

Dogs can eat cat food in small amounts, but it’s not ideal. Cat food is high in protein and fat, which can lead to digestive issues in dogs if consumed regularly.


3. Is taurine really that important for cats?

Yes, taurine is vital for heart health, vision, and immune function. Since taurine is found only in animal proteins, a taurine deficiency can lead to severe health problems in cats.


4. How can I stop my cat from eating dog food?

The best solution is to feed your pets in separate areas. Cats and dogs have different eating habits, and keeping their food bowls apart can help prevent food swapping.


5. Can cats eat dog food for a few days?

In a pinch, your cat can eat dog food for a short period. However, it’s important to switch back to cat food as soon as possible to ensure they receive the nutrients they need for good health.



While your cat might find your dog’s food appealing, it’s not a sustainable option for their diet. Cats and dogs have unique nutritional requirements, and dog food doesn’t provide the high protein, taurine, and fat that cats need to thrive. It’s best to stick with cat food to ensure your feline friend stays healthy!


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