6 Ways To Reduce a Vets Electricity Bill

6 Ways To Reduce a Vets Electricity Bill

Last Updated on July 18, 2023 by Dogs Vets

6 Ways To Reduce a Vets Electricity Bill

With the cost of energy rising, it’s important to reduce costs wherever you can.

Luckily, there are some simple and easy things that you can do at work to save money on your electricity bill.While focusing on strategies to reduce electricity bills at your veterinary practice, don’t ignore the importance of having a well-structured business to maximize overall cost-efficiency.

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Here are seven ways to reduce your veterinary practice electricity demand and save on your monthly electricity bills.

Switch to the Best Electricity Tariff for Your Business

If you have a veterinary practice, it’s important to consider what electricity tariff would be best for your business model.

You may be able to find an energy supplier that offers better rates than your current supplier, which could mean saving money on electricity bills.

If you’re tired of paying too much money every month just because your business uses too many kilowatt hours (kWh), then look into switching suppliers.

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It is best to do a comparison first though before deciding on one particular company; otherwise, there might not be enough savings potential left once everything has been calculated properly.

Use Less Energy With the Right Lightbulbs

Use energy-saving light bulbs. If you are still using incandescent lightbulbs, consider switching to compact fluorescent or LED bulbs. They will use less electricity and last longer than conventional bulbs of the same wattage.

The first step to reducing your vet’s electricity bill is to turn off unnecessary lights. This starts with turning off the lights when you leave a room, but it also means unplugging electronics when you’re not using them.

If there are any unused lamps or other light fixtures on timers, remove them from the circuit until they’re needed again and set up motion sensors in rooms where pets (or humans!) can be expected to enter regularly throughout the day, like their food prep area or exam rooms.

Install dimmers or timers on any bright overhead lighting so that these bulbs can be turned down during times when they’re not needed as much.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat or need to replace your existing one, then it can be worth investing in one. A programmable thermostat allows you to set the temperature at different times of day and night. 

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For example, set the temperature lower during the summer months and higher in the winter months to ensure the animals staying in the kennels are not overheating or freezing. It will also save money on electricity bills by reducing energy consumption when no one is around at home during the day or night.

Reduce Consumption Where Possible

It’s easy to think that your practice has no control over its electricity bill, but there are some simple things you can do to reduce consumption and save money on your utility bill every month – such as switching off lights when they’re not needed or switching off computers overnight (if you don’t need them).

Even when they are turned off, appliances like scanners and printers require standby power, as do televisions in the waiting rooms, microwaves, and kettles in the kitchen. 

Even when plugged in, some chargers continue to use a tiny amount of power. Any electronics and gadgets that aren’t in use should be unplugged. This can significantly reduce your energy bill.

Use a power strip to simultaneously switch off all devices to avoid paying for idle equipment. You can stop energy loss by flipping the switch on your power strip, which has the same effect as disconnecting each outlet from the wall.

Use Energy-efficient Washing Machines

Install eco-friendly washers (be sure they’re also water-efficient), dryers, and even the microwave in the kitchen. Always keep in mind that an appliance’s star rating indicates how energy-efficient it is.

Installing a cost-effective, environmentally friendly industrial gas dryer might also be a smart move.

Taking Steps To Lower the Peak Demand

The most effective way to save power at your veterinary practice is to reduce peak demand. Energy demand is at its highest during “peak demand” hours, usually between nine in the morning and five in the evening.

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You can reduce your demand during this time by alternating work hours and start times, using energy-consuming equipment like X-ray machines in the late evening and early morning, and practicing energy saving all day.

Final Thoughts

You can reduce your electricity bill by making small changes around the office. These include switching suppliers, turning off unnecessary lights, and taking shorter showers at work.

Businesses like veterinary practices need to be aware of their energy usage so they can reduce costs and remain competitive in today’s world.


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