Which Dog Breeds Bite The Most – 10 Most Dangerous Dog Bite Statistics

Which dog breeds bite the most - 10 most dangerous dog bite statistics

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogs Vets

Which Dog Breeds Bite The Most?

A dog is known to be man’s best friend. However, just like we humans, dogs can become aggressive if they are not treated properly. According to dog bite statistics, there are more than 4 million dog bites in the U.S. each year.

But before these statistics cause you to condemn a breed for being vicious or judge an owner for breeding a beast, ask yourself a simple question, “Why do dogs bite?

According to a study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur in the United States each year, and 800,000 of those bites result in medical attention. The U.S. population was approximately 328.2 million people in 2019. That means a dog bites 1 in 73 people.

dog breeds bite the most

These are frightening statistics. But the fear becomes much less so when you’re armed with the right information.

From the top breeds to watch out for, to being mindful of your own animal behavior and why dogs really bite in the first place, we bring you an arsenal of information in this article so you can bite into the dog bite debate. .


Why do dogs bite?

Before we start profiling dogs or analyzing their behavior around you, let’s talk about the question everyone should be asking: why does a dog bite?

  • Dogs bite in reaction to a stressful situation.
  • They may be frightened or threatened.
  • To protect themselves, their puppies or their owners.
  • They are not feeling well or are frightened.
  • They may nip or bite during play (so avoid rough play to make sure you don’t overexcite your pet).

Be aware of these triggers whenever you are around a dog. Your awareness of their mental state will help you recognize a potential bite situation more quickly.


General Dog bite statistics

  • 81% of dog bites cause no injury or only minor injuries that do not require medical attention
  • You have a 1 to 112,400 chance of dying from a dog bite or mauling
  • Most dog bites involve dogs that are not spayed or neutered
  • Fatal Dog Attacks states that 25% of fatal attacks were inflicted by chained dogs of many different breeds
  • The insurance industry paid out more than $530 million in dog bite-related claims in 2014
  • 5,714 U.S. Postal Service employees were attacked by a dog in 2018 (500 fewer than in 2017 and 1,000 fewer since 2016)
  • More than 30 breeds and types of dogs were associated with dog bite-related death

What are the 10 most revealing dog bite statistics?

  1. There were more than 90 million dogs in the U.S. in 2019/2020.
  2. There is a 1 in 112,400 chance of dying from a dog bite or attack.
  3. Over 70% of all dog bites occur because the dog is not spayed or neutered.
  4. There were 38 dog bite-related deaths in the U.S. in 2018.
  5. Pit bull bite statistics show that the breed was responsible for 26 deaths in 2018.
  6. Dogs attacked 5,803 postal employees in 2019.
  7. An estimated 81% of dog bite injuries do not require medical attention.
  8. Pit bulls have a temperament pass rate of 86.7%.
  9. There was a 300% increase in dog attacks during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  10. Rabies is not a problem in areas where 70% of dogs are vaccinated.


If you want to know more about Pit Bull attack statistics, which dog breeds are more aggressive than others, or how to prevent a dog from biting, read on.

We’ll tell you what you can do if you find yourself in this situation. You’ll also find out more about the most aggressive dog breeds and what their owners can do about it.


National dog bite statistics

A dog will not bite you for no reason. Several triggers can set off this behavior. That is, dogs will often bite if they are in danger, frightened or stressed.

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What causes a dog to bite, the facts reveal, is usually the need to protect their puppies, their owners or themselves. It is their way of protecting their loved ones.

There were more than 90 million dogs in the U.S. in 2019/2020. (The Washington Post, HSUS, AVMA)

Recent dog attack data from 2020 shows that these dogs were divided among 84.9 million households with pets. This means that 50% of all households in the U.S. had a dog as a pet. This number suggests a higher incidence of bites.

The 2020 AVMA dog bite statistics show that animals bite primarily because of their personal history and behavior. Dogs that were abused or mistreated in animal shelters may be traumatized, causing them to attack.

Dogs bite about 4.5 million people each year, U.S. dog attack statistics reveal. (Canine Journal)

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) regularly studies dog bites and attacks in the United States. They reveal that only 800,000 of all dog bites need medical attention.

As the CDC dog bite statistics report, as of 2019, the U.S. population has surpassed 328 million, which means that dogs bite one in every 73 people.

dog bite infographics


Dog bite statistics by breed

As mentioned, pit bulls are the most abused breed in the world. They are also the least wanted dogs in shelters. All due to people’s stigma about dog breeds and aggression.

Dog bite statistics show that breed is not a deciding factor in dog bites. let’s find out more!

 There were 46 dog attack deaths in 2019. Pit bulls were responsible for 33 of them.

Homeowners insurers paid $797 million in dog bite and dog injury liability claims in 2019.

Homeowners insurance data reveals that the number of dog bite liability claims increased by 2.9% in just one year, from 17,297 in 2018 to 17,802 in 2019.

In contrast, dog bite insurance statistics show that the cost per claim increased by 14.7% in just one year. That is, in 2019 it was $44,760, while in 2018 it was $39,017. It is estimated that 81% of dog bite injuries do not require medical attention.

(Dog woof)

In the vast majority of cases, dog bites cause only minor injuries or no injury at all. Dog bite facts also show that most injuries are so minor that there is no need for medical attention.
10. There was a 300% increase in dog attacks during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Statistics estimate that there was a 300% increase in dog attacks per 1,000 emergency room visits. Data show that dog bites, especially in children, have increased during social distancing.

Spending more time at home has led to increased stress levels in humans, but also in dogs.


(Forbes, Animals)

Since the mid-1990s, the CDC has been studying various dog breeds, their temperament and situations that prompt them to attack.

CDC dog bite statistics by breed revealed that pit bulls were involved in the most accidents and injuries. Pit bulls are arguably one of the most aggressive dogs in existence. They are responsible for nearly 300 deaths.

However, it is important to note that this is because they are a popular breed specifically trained by owners to be aggressive rather than the breed itself having an aggressive temperament. Pit bull bite statistics show that the breed was responsible for 26 deaths in 2018.


As we mentioned, there were 36 dog-related deaths in the U.S. in 2018. Pitbulls are responsible for 72% of them, even though they represent only 7% of the dog population in the U.S., As Pit Bull attacks vs. reveal statistics for other breeds.

However, pit bulls are not the type of dogs that will bite just anyone for no reason. Regardless of dog breeds, statistics reveal that it is the ruthless owners who are responsible for their dogs’ aggression, as many of them have criminal records. Among all the dogs, pit bulls have an 86.7% pass rate for temperament.

(dog wow)

People see pit bulls as the most vicious dogs in the world because some owners use them for fighting. However, their temperament approval rating is higher than that of the Chihuahua, Border Collie or Beagle.

They don’t even have the strongest dog bite. As dog bite strength statistics by breed reveal, pit bulls have one of the weakest bite strengths of all breeds: only 235 pounds per square inch (PSI).

Dog breed could not be identified as one of the factors in 80% of dog bite cases, as shown by dog bite statistics.

(National Canine Research Council)

In fact, breeds are mainly used for media coverage, but not necessarily as a confirmed fact. In only slightly more than 18% of cases was it possible to make a valid determination whether the dog was of a particular breed.
15. Kangal is the breed with the strongest dog bite force of 743 PSI.

6 Important Things To Do Immediately If You Get Bitten By A Dog

(Within the dog world)

Bandog Dog has the second strongest bite force (730 PSI), followed by the Cane Corso (700 PSI) and the Dogue de Bordeaux (556 PSI).

Dog breeds that bite most often.

Which Dog breeds that bite most often.

English Bulldog Here is a list of dog breeds that are known to bite the most:

  • Chihuahua
  • English Bulldog
  • Bulldog
  • Pitbull
  • German Shepherd
  • Australian Shepherd
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Cocker
  • Bull terrier
  • Pekingese
  • Papillion


Which breeds have the strongest bite?

Below are the top 12 dogs with the strongest bite in terms of PSI (pound per square inch or pound force per square inch), as reported by PetComments.com3. This list is not indicative of any specific animal and should only be considered as a scientific study.

We certainly recognize that there are many sweet and well-behaved dogs of these breeds, especially when paired with responsible owners.

  1. Kangal: 743 PSI
  2. American Bandogge: 731 PSI
  3. Cane Corso: 700 PSI
  4. Dogue De Bordeaux: 556 PSI
  5. Tosa Inu: 556 PSI
  6. English Mastiff: 556 PSI
  7. Dogo Canario: 540 PSI
  8. Dogo Argentino: 500 PSI
  9. Wolfdog: 406 PSI
  10. Leonberger: 399 PSI
  11. Akita Inu: 350-400 PSI
  12. Rottweiler: 328 PSI


How to protect yourself against the risk of dog bites

Dog liability insurance is a special policy you can get to insure yourself in case you have what an owner or other important person in your life might consider a “dangerous breed of dog.”

If you have one of these dogs, you probably know this, as some people are probably a little afraid of your puppy. It’s unlikely to be necessary, but it’s better to be safe than sorry in case a situation arises where your dog bites someone.

Why? Because with liability insurance you would simply file a claim and cover the cost of the situation. In many cases, we have heard of dog lives being saved because of the ability to cover these types of incidents by proactively seeking insurance rather than reacting after a bad situation occurs. Better safe than sorry, right?

According to the Insurance Information Institute, one-third of all homeowners insurance liability claims (in dollars) result from dog bites or dog-related injuries, and the average cost is more than $37,000.


Decrease your chances of a dog bite attack.

While we’re not absolving the canine completely of their own responsibility in a dog bite situation, there are always two sides to the story, even a bad one. When it comes to your side, there are more than two things you can do to lessen your chances of an attack.

How to prevent a dog bite

Just like people, there are always good pets that snap. Even though the dog never showed aggressive attitudes, even though you didn’t provoke it to attack, there are still those unexplainable cases that no one can explain or rationalize. However, most of the time, this is not the case.

dog breeds bite the most

That’s why, when dealing with a dog, you should remain confident, but with cautious body language. Here are some things you can do to make sure your attitude doesn’t trigger an attack.


Don’t approach an unfamiliar animal

  • Don’t run away from a dog, panic or make loud noises.
  • If an unfamiliar dog approaches you, remain motionless. Do not run or scream. Avoid direct eye contact.
  • Do not disturb a dog while it is eating, sleeping or caring for puppies.
  • Allow a dog to sniff and sniff you before attempting to pet it. Then scratch the animal under the chin, not on the head.
  • Report stray dogs or dogs exhibiting strange behavior to local animal control.
  • If a dog knocks you down, roll into a ball and remain motionless. Be sure to cover your ears and neck with your hands and stay calm and avoid eye contact
  • Do not encourage your dog to play aggressively.


Things to consider before getting a dog

There are some key things to consider before bringing a new dog into your home, especially if you already have other animals or children. Here are some factors that, if considered, can help decrease the chances of an unwarranted attack before an animal walks through your front door.

  • Dogs with a history of aggression are not appropriate for a home with children. Period
  • Before choosing a dog, do your research and consult with a professional (a trusted veterinarian or dog trainer would be an excellent resource person) to find the best breed for your needs.
  • Proper socialization and training for your dog while it’s still a puppy is key.
  • Spend time with your prospective pet before adopting to determine aggressive tendencies.
  • Spay or neuter your pet to reduce aggressive tendencies before taking him home.

Be aware of the “breeds”, but don’t be afraid

Pit Bull (title: facts and mischaracterizations) You’ve probably heard of the Pit Bull, considered the type most responsible for dog bites. But you can dismantle much of your fear of them with our Pit Bull Facts article.

Unfortunately, claims against pit bulls account for the majority of fatal attacks reported in the United States (again, many of these are misreported due to a lack of understanding of breeds and types of dogs).

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While there is no denying that one must be more vigilant with a large dog than, say, a Beagle, there is also no denying that an animal is partly a product of its environment.

Remember that any dog can bite, no matter how well trained. Many popular family dogs have caused fatalities, including Labradors and German Shepherds. Therefore, it is always a good idea to be a responsible dog owner and make sure pets are supervised at all times by others.

Finally, if you have a dog that is prone to biting, consider a training collar or online training courses to help change their bad behavior.


Frequently Asked Questions


What breed of dog bites most often?

According to the latest findings, we do not know which breed bites the most.

However, pit bulls are high on the list, followed by mixed breeds, German shepherds, terriers and Rottweilers.

In addition, the breeds least likely to attack or bite are Dalmatians, Pointers, Great Danes, Pekingese and Spitzes.


What breed of dog has killed the most humans?

When it comes to dog attacks by breed, the Pit Bull is responsible for the largest number of them in the U.S. Pit bulls have killed 248 people over 13 years, and the Rottweiler ranks second with 45 deaths recorded during the same period.

The German Shepherd is also responsible for inflicting 20 fatal injuries. And even some breeds that are not considered aggressive have killed people. For example, the Labrador Retriever is responsible for nine deaths.


What happens to a dog if it bites a human?

In some cases, it is possible to euthanize a dog that has bitten someone. But such cases are sporadic. Generally, only dogs with a history of aggression and biting are euthanized. Although it is important to note that with proper training and attention, aggression can be reversed.

However, each city, county, country and state may have its own rules when it comes to handling biting dogs.


Are pit bulls statistically more dangerous?

Pit bulls can be dangerous, just like any other breed of dog. It all depends on their history, upbringing and temperament.

Although this breed has a very bad reputation, it is statistically calmer than the Chihuahua, as it has a 87.6% temperament pass rate.


How do you handle a dog that bites?

As mentioned, dogs bite for a reason. They may bite to defend themselves, their territory, a member of their pack or their puppies. Scared, injured, sick, teased and abused dogs may also bite.

There are several solutions to this problem, and they include training and socialization, that is, letting the dog interact with people, children and other dogs. Taking care of the dog’s health and regular vaccinations can also help.


Is Aggressive dogs play considered fighting?


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Dog play may seem very aggressive to humans, but there are ways to differentiate between playing and fighting.

If the dog is acting silly, has an open-mouthed grin, bows, growls, voluntarily falls down and comes back for more, he is just playing.

However, as dog bite statistics reveal, if the dog’s body is stiff, hairs are raised, and it has a closed mouth and curled lip, the dog is ready for a fight.

In addition, low growls, quick and efficient movements and flat ears are also signs that a fight could be coming.

Recognizing these signs is crucial to stopping a fight before it happens. However, if your dog fights, don’t try to separate them by grabbing them by the neck, or you could get bitten. Instead, try to distract the dogs with a loud noise.


Can an aggressive dog be cured?

Aggression in dogs can be cured. But you will need a lot of patience, time, consistency and probably the help of a professional who will determine the cause of the behavior and make a plan to manage it.

In addition, your veterinarian may run some tests to see if there is a medical problem. The important thing is to avoid punishment, as it can be counterproductive and fill your puppy with love.



Hopefully this list of dog bite statistics has demonstrated to you that dog bites are not that common, and the reasons that can lead to a dog attack make this picture much less frightening.

In fact, there are some breeds that are more aggressive than others, but it’s not the dog that bites, it’s its history and behavior. You should keep in mind that while a dog may be aggressive, that is no reason to be afraid of an entire breed.


See also: Top 20 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds in the world today




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Reference : Caninejournal.com and Petpedia.co