How to Make Your Cat Feel at Home Wherever You are Away – (Explained)

How to Make Your Cat Feel at Home Wherever You are Away - (Explained)

Last Updated on April 27, 2023 by Dogs Vets

How to Make Your Cat Feel at Home Wherever You are Away


Many people love to take their cats with them whenever they are on the go. Really, what’s more fun than having your four-legged feline friend with you on that vacation or camping?

However, cats are more comfortable staying in a familiar environment because they feel it’s safe and secure. Hence, whenever you intend going on a road trip or staying with a relative who is ill for an extended period, you must include your cat’s well-being in your plans.

In this article, we’ve prepared tips that would help keep your cats feeling good wherever you go.


Make your cat carrier your cat’s favorite spot

First off, you want to make sure your cat is comfortable- while still feeling safe. To do this, we recommend an airy backpack to carry your cat.

When traveling, you could then go on to secure the carrier in a seat belt, to minimize the risk of car injuries.

A mistake most cat-owners make is throwing the cat carrier in the garage or basement, only to bring it out some hours before the trip.

However, to actually make your cat feel at home in it- while away from home- your cat needs to associate the carrier with positive experiences.

Hence, you need to integrate the carrier into the home environment before stepping out of the house with your cat in it.

Here are tips for making your cat more comfortable in the carrier:

  • Place the carrier in your cat’s favorite room. Also, include familiar clothing and scents in the carrier, as this can make your pet feel a lot more secure in it.

  • To draw your cat towards the carrier, place treats or toys in the carrier. It might take
    days or weeks for your cat to get comfortable in the carrier, however, be patient.
  • If your cat still finds it difficult getting used to the carrier, ask your vet for carrier recommendations- perhaps, you will find a better cat carrier your cat loves. Remember to test that your cat backpack’s bubble capsule works properly before your trip. 
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Make the journey a stress-free experience

Asides from feeling safe, your cat isn’t stressed when at home. On your trip or vacation, you will need to replicate this feat.

Consider the mode of transportation you will be going with, as well as how long the journey will be. When traveling for long hours in a car with your cat in a carrier, you may want to occasionally let your cat out of the carrier for water breaks.

However, the first rule when letting your cat out is that- you must be parked. Dehydration can cause a myriad of things, including loss of energy and stress, none of which you want on your journey.

If your cat gets car-sick, there are effective anti-nausea medications which you can obtain from your vet.

Another tip to keep your cat’s stress level low while on a trip is playing classical music specifically composed for cats.

Also, wiping your cat carrier with a synthetic feline pheromone spray may help reduce anxiety and stress-levels related to being a carrier.


Introduce your cat to your new destination

Good for you! Finally, you are at your destination. Now, it’s time to show your cat around and bring back that home-y feeling.

Begin by putting the carrier gently in a small room so your cat can slowly adapt to the new smells and sight without feeling overwhelmed.

Be sure that there are no open windows or loose screens through which your nervous feline friend can escape.

Before leaving home, ensure you pack some of your cat’s things- such as your cat’s bed and toys- before leaving home. This can replicate the feeling of being at home. Also, feed your pet with the same brand of cat food you offer when you are at home.


In conclusion,

Whenever you move to a new location, allow your cat to get familiar at its own pace. Reward desired actions with goodies, and soon, your cat would be in your lap- spending your special time with you, away from home. 

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More Tips to Make Your Cat Feel at Home Wherever You are Away


If you are a cat owner who travels frequently, you might worry about how your furry friend will cope with your absence.

Cats are creatures of habit and they can get stressed when their routine is disrupted. However, there are some things you can do to make your cat feel at home wherever you are away.

Here are some tips to help you and your cat have a smooth and stress-free travel experience.

– Prepare your cat for your departure. Before you leave, make sure your cat has everything they need, such as food, water, litter box, toys, scratching post, etc.

You can also leave some items that smell like you, such as a shirt or a blanket, to comfort your cat while you are gone.

If possible, try to keep your cat’s schedule as normal as possible and avoid making any sudden changes that might confuse or upset them.


– Choose a reliable cat sitter or boarding facility.

Depending on your cat’s personality and preferences, you might want to hire a cat sitter who can visit your home and take care of your cat while you are away, or you might want to take your cat to a boarding facility where they can interact with other cats and staff.

Either way, make sure you choose someone who is trustworthy, experienced, and caring. You can also ask them to send you updates and photos of your cat so you can stay in touch and reassure yourself that your cat is doing well.

– Bring some familiar items with you if you travel with your cat.

If you decide to take your cat with you on your trip, make sure you pack some items that will make them feel more comfortable in a new environment.

For example, you can bring their favorite bed, blanket, toy, or treat. You can also spray some synthetic feline pheromones on their carrier or in the car to help them relax and reduce anxiety. When you arrive at your destination, set up a safe and cozy space for your cat where they can have access to their essentials and hide if they feel overwhelmed.

– Give your cat plenty of attention and affection when you return.

When you come back from your trip, your cat might be overjoyed to see you or they might act aloof or angry.

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Either way, try not to take it personally and give them some time to adjust. You can also shower them with attention and affection and reward them with some treats or playtime. Soon enough, they will be back to their normal selves and happy to have you around again.

Traveling can be stressful for both you and your cat, but with some preparation and care, you can make it easier for both of you.

By following these tips, you can make your cat feel at home wherever you are away and enjoy your trip without worrying too much about your furry companion.



Рeорle аlsо аsk Questions 



Dо саts get deрressed when оwners аre аwаy?

Sо always remember а саt needs tо interасt with either fаmiliаr fаmily рets аnd/оr рeорle. Саts whо sрend their dаys аlоne аt hоme саn beсоme deрressed, оverweight аnd eventuаlly even develор behаviоurаl рrоblems.


Hоw саn I mаke my саt feel аt hоme?


Generаl Tiрs fоr bringing а new саt hоme

Рreраre а sаfe rооm.
А саt-рrооf sаfe rооm.
Рrоvide а hiding рlасe fоr the саt.
Helр yоur new саt get tо knоw yоu.
Рrоvide а sаfe rооm with саt fооd, wаter аnd litter.
Give yоur саt саt tоys fоr entertаinment.


Hоw саn I mаke my саt feel соmfоrtаble аrоund me?


7 wаys tо helр а shy саt or pets feel mоre соmfоrtаble.

The right envirоnment.
Рrоvide hiding рlасes.
Рrоvide sсent орроrtunities.
Use fооd tо build trust.
Use interасtive рlаy.
Use yоur vоiсe.
Let the саt set the расe.


Dо саts hаve а fаvоurite рersоn?

Key роints. Саts tend tо рrefer оne рersоn оver оthers, even if they аre well-sосiаlized kittens.

Саts аre knоwledgeаble соmmuniсаtоrs аnd grаvitаte tоwаrds рeорle they interасt well with. Yоu саn be yоur саt’s fаvоurite рersоn if yоu sосiаlise tоgether eаrly аnd resрeсt his рersоnаl sрасe.


Will my саt fоrget me in twо weeks?

Аnyоne whо is just “рresent” in yоur life is sоmeоne yоu remember but dоn’t аssосiаte with аny emоtiоn. But аs lоng аs yоu аnd yоur саt hаve а рet оr twо in соmmоn, аnd аs lоng аs yоu’ve given them а соuрle оf рet fооds, yоur саt will remember yоu nо mаtter hоw lоng yоu’re gоne.






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