Long Beach Dog Trainers Taking On Leash Pulling and Reactive Behaviors

Long Beach Dog Trainers Taking On Leash Pulling and Reactive Behaviors

Last Updated on June 5, 2024 by Dogs Vets

If your furry friend has some behavioral issues, you are certainly going to be frustrated about it, and overwhelmed with not knowing what to do to get things fixed.

After all, you are not a certified trainer, and you may not have the slightest clue on which actions to take so as to resolve those particular problems. Of course, the approach will depend on the type of problem you are facing, but the one thing that will remain constant is the need for you to hire professionals for this type of work.


Here is an in-depth overview of a common behavioral problem with canines:


As mentioned above, the approach towards resolving the issue will depend on the actual issue. The great thing, though, is that there are professionals out there who can resolve pretty much any problem.

If, for instance, you’re dealing with reactive behavior and leash pulling, you should search for dog trainers in your area that can successfully tackle such issues. And, if you live in Long Beach, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for.

Before you begin searching, though, you may want to get answers to some common questions related to reactive behavior in dogs. What constitutes such behavior, what causes it, and can it actually be completely fixed?

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Let me provide you with the answers, and then proceed towards helping you connect with Long Beach dog trainers that are taking on leash pulling and reactivity and that can, therefore, be of great help to you.


What Is Reactive Behavior in Dogs?

So, first things first, let me make it clear what reactive behavior really is. In short, it can be defined as an inappropriate and unusual response to normal behavior from other dogs, or people, in public.

Your animal can react to other animals by barking and growling, but it can also react to people the same way, or to any other kinds of stimuli. Whining, lunging and pulling the leash can all be signs of this problem as well. If you want to jump right towards finding a trainer, this article can help.

Now, it is important for you to notice these signs on time and to react as soon as possible, because it is better to work the issue out until it becomes more serious. The good thing is that the signs are quite easy to notice, so you won’t have a hard time identifying them.

Barking, snarling, and growling at other animals or people, nipping other animals when walking beside them, bouncing around trying to get out of their collar, hiding behind you or jumping in your arms, grabbing your clothing and shaking it…

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Those are some of the signs you should be on the lookout for, and, as you can see, some are more subtle than others, but they are all pretty obvious and visible when you make an effort to pay attention.

What Are the Causes?

Noticing that your pet is behaving strangely and that it has inappropriate responses to other animals or people is easy. But, understanding why it is doing that may not be easy. There are numerous causes of this problem, and genetics are only a part of it.

A lot of owners assume that it is all genetic, but the truth is that there are other reasons for canines behaving that way and that you can sometimes unknowingly sort of cause the issue by putting them in certain situations that aren’t good for reactive animals.

Apart from genetics, the problem can be caused by lack of socialization. Then, it can also be a response to traumatic events or to anxiety. And, of course, lack of proper training can result in this kind of behavior as well. Understanding the specific cause helps resolve the actual problem.

Can It Be Fixed?

This brings us to our next question. Can the problem actually be resolved? The answer is a big yes! With the right trainers in Long Beach, you will watch your pet become the most well-behaved one in no time.

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Hearing out Lisa-Marie Bruce or perhaps some other great pros, you’ll understand that reactive behavior and leash pulling are quite common issues, and that they can definitely be fixed, if you are patient enough and if you hire the perfect trainers.

How to Choose the Right Trainer?

Speaking of, how can you hire the perfect trainers? I have mentioned above already that there are some great dog trainers in Long Beach that can take on this issue and have it fixed for you. But, your task is to research various ones in details, checking their qualifications and certifications, as well as experience and reputation, so as to make the best decision.

Remember to check the training methods as well, and assess the overall quality of the work they are doing. Then, compare everything and make your final choice.



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