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Dog Care Advice

How Can the Best Calming Bed Help If Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety



How Can the Best Calming Bed Help If Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety?

Last Updated on April 29, 2023 by Dogs Vets

Best Calming Beds to Help If Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety.


Separation anxiety is a common problem for many dogs, especially if they are left alone for long periods of time or have experienced trauma in the past.

It can cause them to exhibit behaviors such as barking, chewing, pacing, whining, or even trying to escape. These behaviors can be stressful for both the dog and the owner, and can damage the bond between them.

One way to help your dog cope with separation anxiety is to provide them with a comfortable and soothing place to rest and relax.

A calming bed is a type of dog bed that is designed to provide extra support and warmth for your dog, and to create a sense of security and safety.

A calming bed can help your dog feel more calm and relaxed when you are away, and reduce their anxiety levels.

Dog Calming Bed

But not all calming beds are created equal. Some may be too small, too thin, too hard, or too flimsy for your dog’s needs. That’s why you need to find the best calming bed for your dog, one that suits their size, shape, personality, and preferences.


The best calming bed should have the following features:

  • A soft and cozy material that is breathable and durable.
  • A raised rim that creates a sense of enclosure and protection.
  • A deep and spacious center that allows your dog to curl up or stretch out.
  • A non-slip bottom that prevents the bed from sliding or moving.
  • A machine-washable cover that is easy to clean and maintain


If you are looking for the best calming bed for your dog, you may want to check out the Calm Pooch Bed.

This bed has all the features mentioned above, and more. It is made of high-quality faux fur that mimics the feeling of a mother’s fur, and has a memory foam base that adapts to your dog’s body shape and weight.

It also comes in various sizes and colors, so you can choose the one that fits your dog and your home decor.

The American pit bull terrier size, Health, cost + Temperament

The Calm Pooch Bed has received many positive reviews from satisfied customers who have seen improvements in their dogs’ behavior and mood after using it.

Many dogs have become more calm, relaxed, happy, and confident after sleeping on this bed. Some have even stopped barking or chewing when left alone.

If you want to help your dog overcome their separation anxiety, you may want to give the Calm Pooch Bed a try. It could be the best calming bed for your dog, and the best gift for yourself.

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety occurs in dogs that have a tough time being left alone. It can lead to destructive behavior to overcome their stress, and they might even become aggressive.

It is so common for dogs with this condition to have an accident inside the house that it is sometimes called “submissive urination.”


Ways to Know If Dogs Have Separation Anxiety

  • They drool, shake, and pant.
  • Their ears may go back.
  • They may vomit as a result of their stress and anxiety.
  • They try to escape through windows or other small spaces.

If you observe any of these activities in your pet’s behavior, take it to a veterinarian immediately.

You can also take essential steps like buying a Calming Dog Bed to make your pet feel less anxious and more coddled.

But before proceeding, read on to know the basics of choosing the right bed for your dog.


Ways to Know If Dogs Have Separation Anxiety

  • They drool, shake, and pant.
  • Their ears may go back.
  • They may vomit as a result of their stress and anxiety.
  • They try to escape through windows or other small spaces.

If you observe any of these activities in your pet’s behavior, take it to a veterinarian immediately. You can also take essential steps like buying a Calming Dog Bed to make your pet feel less anxious and more coddled.

But before proceeding, read on to know the basics of choosing the right bed for your dog.


What are Calming Beds for Dogs?

A calming bed is a special dog bed designed to provide comfort and support for your pet when feeling anxious or stressed.

It has a very soft, comfy interior, but it also emits pheromones that help calm your pet and reduce their anxiety levels. The beds are available in varied colors and designs with removable covers to suit any taste or preference.


Will Calming Beds for Dogs Work for Your Dog?

If your dog has separation anxiety, the answer is “yes,” because calming beds are designed with this condition in mind. They provide a safe space where your pet will be able to chill out while you’re gone. So yes, calming dog beds work well with any dog breed having separation anxiety.

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What Calming Beds for Dogs Should You Buy?

Choosing the right type of calming bed is very important if your dog has separation anxiety or any other condition that affects its mood and behavior.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you are looking at different beds on the market.


  • Your dog’s weight.
  • The type of material used in the bed and ensure it is machine washable.
  • Choose the right size with circular ridges.
  • The bed’s sturdiness and construction quality.

It’s a good idea to look at a calming dog bed because this will make finding a product that meets your dog’s needs easier.

Some beds have anti-skid pads that will keep the bed in its place even when your pet moves around a lot. You can also buy these comfortable beds for pets having joint issues.

Separation anxiety occurs in dogs that have a tough time being left alone. It can lead to destructive behavior to overcome their stress, and they might even become aggressive.

It is so common for dogs with this condition to have an accident inside the house that it is sometimes called “submissive urination.”


What are Calming Beds for Dogs?

A calming bed is a special dog bed designed to provide comfort and support for your pet when feeling anxious or stressed.

It has a very soft, comfy interior, but it also emits pheromones that help calm your pet and reduce their anxiety levels. The beds are available in varied colors and designs with removable covers to suit any taste or preference.


Here are 5 simple ways calming beds help with your dog’s comfort.

Best Calming Bed for Dogs with Separation Anxiety


1. Calming Dog Beds Offer a Sense of Security

Dogs with separation anxiety can feel abandoned and helpless, so they tend to do everything they can to try and regain control over their environment.

Their resting place is an important part of this picture. A Calming Dog Bed provides them with a safe spot where they can rest undisturbed, and it lets them know that you’re still around.


2. Their Breathing Rate Stays in Control

Calming beds for dogs often feature a raised side, which helps the dog keep an eye on its environment while still feeling secure because of the bed’s high walls.

The elevated position also has another benefit: it mimics how their mothers would hold them as pups. This helps the dog calm down and breathe at a slower pace.


3. A Calming Bed for Dogs is Cheap Insurance

A high percentage of dogs with separation anxiety find ways to escape, so accidents are common.

If your pet urinates on the floor or chews up your valuable furniture while you are gone, getting a calming bed will be cheaper than any professional treatment for this condition. It works just as well as a dog crate for this purpose.

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4. Calming Bed Helps Dogs Heal from Stress

In addition to a sense of security, a calming bed also has a soothing effect on most canines. Just as you might feel better with an extra blanket when you have a cold, dogs are comforted by their bedding.

A good way to work on the problem of your dog’s separation anxiety is to make sure it gets plenty of rest while you are gone.


5. Dogs Calm Down Faster in Their Calming Beds

Dogs with separation anxiety may take a long time to calm down, especially if they are very stressed when you come home.

A calming bed can shorten the process of getting your pet back to normal because it offers a place where it is more likely to feel comfortable, secure, and relaxed.


Will Calming Beds for Dogs Work for Your Dog?

If your dog has separation anxiety, the answer is “yes,” because calming beds are designed with this condition in mind. They provide a safe space where your pet will be able to chill out while you’re gone. So yes, calming dog beds work well with any dog breed having separation anxiety.


What Calming Beds for Dogs Should You Buy?

Choosing the right type of calming bed is very important if your dog has separation anxiety or any other condition that affects its mood and behavior.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you are looking at different beds on the market.


  • Your dog’s weight.
  • The type of material used in the bed and ensure it is machine washable.
  • Choose the right size with circular ridges.
  • The bed’s sturdiness and construction quality.

It’s a good idea to look at a calming dog bed because this will make finding a product that meets your dog’s needs easier.

Some beds have anti-skid pads that will keep the bed in its place even when your pet moves around a lot. You can also buy these comfortable beds for pets having joint issues.




We hope you enjoyed this article… What are your thoughts on Best Calming Bed Help If Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety?

Please feel free to share with us in the comments section below.



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Dog Care Advice

The Unseen Struggles of Our Furry Friends: Max’s Quiet Battle 



The Unseen Struggles of Our Furry Friends: Max's Quiet Battle 

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Dogs Vets

 In the lives of every pet owner, there are moments of sheer joy and profound companionship that are provided by our furry family members. However, sometimes hidden behind their wagging tails and bright eyes are battles we rarely see struggles with health that they cannot communicate.

Today, we share the story of Max, a beloved dog whose recent health troubles remind us of the silent battles our pets often face. 

Max has always been more than just a pet; he’s a part of his family, a loyal friend to his owners, and a playful buddy to his human siblings. His presence has been a constant source of happiness in his household. But a few months ago, something changed. Max began to lose his spark.

He was slower to greet his family at the door, less enthusiastic about his walks, and his once-vigorous tail wags became few and far between. 

Concerned, his family took him to several veterinarians, trying to pinpoint the cause of his sudden downturn.

After numerous tests and consultations, it was revealed that Max is facing a serious health challenge that could be related to heart or respiratory issues. The exact cause is still being determined, and while Max’s family is hopeful, they face the daunting reality of mounting medical bills and the need for ongoing treatment.  

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Unseen Struggles of Our Furry Friends

 In our community, we often rally together to support one another during tough times. Max’s condition is a stark reminder that our pets, who bring us so much joy and comfort, sometimes need us to be their champions.

While Max’s family is doing all they can, the costs for his required medical treatments are substantial and beyond what they can manage alone. 

Learn how you can help Max [] 

Here’s where we can all make a difference. While not everyone can be on the front lines with Max in his visits to the vet, we can support him through our contributions. Each donation, no matter how small, helps cover the costs of Max’s medical needs and brings him closer to a pain-free life, allowing him to return to his joyful self. 

As we continue to share Max’s journey, we invite you to join us in supporting him. Think of the times your pet has brought a smile to your face, and consider giving a little back to one who is currently in need.

It’s not just about helping a pet in distress; it’s about strengthening the bond of our community and ensuring that all its members, both human and animal, are cared for. 

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Your support can light up the darker moments for Max, and for that, we are ever grateful. Let’s come together to give Max the love and help he deserves. Together, we can change the course of his story from one of struggle to one of recovery and happiness. 

Help Max Regain His Joy of Life – Donate Now! [] 

Thank you for taking the time to read about Max. Your support means the world to him and to all of us who believe in the power of community and compassion. 



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Dog Care Advice

Can You Have Allergies and Still Get a Dog?



Can You Have Allergies and Still Get a Dog?

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Dogs Vets

Dogs are great company for humans, offering companionship a range of life-enriching benefits including reduced stress, improved sleep and increased opportunities to spend more time outside.

However, in some cases their impact on health might be less than ideal. While dogs can be lots of fun, being allergic to them certainly isn’t, but is it possible to have allergies and still own a dog?


Designer Doodles

Recent years have seen an increase in demand for a mix of one pedigree breed with a poodle to create a “doodle”. One example is labradoodles or the St Bernard/poodles at Bernedoodle puppies PA; breeds often thought to be hypoallergenic due to reduced shedding.

Unfortunately sometimes allergic pet owners adopt or purchase “hypoallergenic” breeds, only to find that their allergies are no better. To avoid situations such as these, it’s important to first understand how allergies operate, and what the term “hypoallergenic” really means.

What Is a Hypoallergenic Dog?

The commonly misinterpreted term “hypoallergenic” indicates fewer allergens rather than their complete absence, so while some hypoallergenic breeds can be less triggering, no dog is completely allergen-free.

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Another misconception relates to shedding: while some consider fur to be the main source of allergies, it’s what’s underneath that matters most: even in hairless breeds, certain proteins found in the saliva and urine of dogs can stick to dander (dead skin cells), causing allergies.

Reducing Your Risk

Some research suggests those exposed to dogs from childhood may have a reduced risk of developing asthma. Unfortunately if have existing allergies, a furry friend won’t “cure” them – although there are ways to manage your symptoms:

  • Opting for a smaller dog (less “surface area”; less dander)
  • Brushing your dog outside
  • Using hard floors instead of carpets
  • Using a HEPA vacuum
  • Ventilation, air purifiers and filters
  • Regularly changing your HVAC filter
  • Allocating “dog-free zones” in the house, if possible
  • Regular hand-washing after petting your dog
  • Training your dog to not lick you

Some suggest giving your dog weekly baths. However, this risks stripping your dog’s coat of natural oils, which can lead to itching and discomfort. Others may suggest keeping your dog outside, but even with adequate shelter, dogs are still pack animals who need company to feel safe.

Allergy Testing

To determine whether you can live with a dog in your home, your first step is to take an allergic sensitisation test. Up to 80% of people have multiple allergies happening at once, so it’s possible that reducing one of these could help lower the risk of an allergic reaction to a pet.

The American pit bull terrier size, Health, cost + Temperament

In addition to standard blood and skin-prick tests, allergen component testing can provide more nuanced details about allergies, for instance a reaction specifically to can f 5 (found in unneutered male dogs), or reduced reactions to certain breeds after 15 to 20 minutes’ exposure.


In addition to allergen testing and environmental controls around the home, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines, decongestants, corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers or immunotherapy, which while lengthy (three to five years on average) can help to lower allergic reactivity.

Ultimately while there is no such thing as a 100% allergen-free dog, there are ways to help reduce the risk of allergies. With some careful research and planning, dog ownership may still be possible, even if it involves the odd sneeze or sniffle.



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Dog Care Advice

5 Benefits of Emotional Support Animals



5 Benefits of Emotional Support Animals

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Dogs Vets

An emotional support animal (ESA) is a companion animal that provides therapeutic benefits to individuals who suffer from a mental or emotional disability. Unlike service animals, ESAs do not require any specialized training and are not limited to specific tasks. Instead, they provide comfort, emotional support, and companionship to their owners.

If you have a dog that provides you with emotional support, registering them as an ESA is quite simple; all you have to do is get an official ESA letter through a service like Wellness Wag. With nearly 200,000 animals registered, we’re here to walk you through five of the most essential benefits of having one.


1. Companionship

Just like any pet, ESAs provide valuable companionship to their owners. However, the impact of this is even more profound for those with physical or mental disabilities. For example:

  • Individuals with anxiety disorders feel more at ease and secure when they have their ESA by their side.
  • People who suffer from depression find comfort in the unconditional love and affection that their ESA provides.
  • Older individuals or those with mobility issues may benefit from having a dog to provide physical and emotional support.
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Not to mention, having a close bond with an animal can provide a sense of purpose and help individuals feel less lonely and isolated.


2. They positively impact physical and mental health

A recent study led by Dr. Janet Hoy-Gerlach at the University of Toledo provides empirical evidence that emotional support animals (ESAs) can significantly benefit individuals with serious mental illnesses. The study followed participants paired with shelter dogs or cats and found notable reductions in depression, anxiety, and loneliness after a 12-month period.

Researchers also observed increased levels of the bonding hormone oxytocin and decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol following interactions with the ESAs, suggesting biological benefits alongside emotional ones.

A survey by CertaPet supports these findings, indicating that individuals with ESAs report increased motivation, reduced anxiety, and fewer panic attacks. The survey also highlighted that ESAs can aid those suffering from conditions such as PTSD, phobias, and social anxiety​.

3. Waive expensive housing fees for your pets

If you have an official recommendation for your pet from a licensed medical or mental health professional, you can qualify for exemptions and waivers from pet fees charged in housing situations. This benefit is outlined in the Fair Housing Act (FHA).

To qualify, you’ll have to prove that your ESA provides emotional support and alleviates symptoms of your disability. In this situation, registering your dog can save you a considerable amount of money.

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4. They give you a routine

If you’ve been looking for something that can help you stick to a set schedule, a dog can be your new best friend! Dogs need regular walks, feeding times, and play sessions, which can help you structure your days and keep you accountable. Having a routine can help individuals with mental health conditions establish stability and feel more in control of their lives.

5. You only have to do it once

ESA registration lasts for the animal’s entire lifetime. Once you register your dog, they will be recognized as an ESA with no expiration date. However, you should still double-check before traveling or moving with your ESA to a different state, as ESA laws vary from state to state.


Overall, registering your dog as an ESA can bring numerous benefits and provide you with a sense of comfort, especially if you suffer from a disability. Whether it’s through companionship, improved mental and physical health, waived pet fees, or a structured routine, having an ESA can greatly improve your quality of life.




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