Can Dachshunds and Cats Get Along? (How to introduce a dog and cat)

Can Dachshunds and Cats Get Along? (How to introduce a dog and cat)

Last Updated on March 15, 2022 by Dogs Vets

Can Dachshunds And Cats Get Along?

People keep asking the question “can dachshunds and cats get along?”  although most dachshunds are the same size as cats, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will always get along.

Dachshunds are quite stubborn and inquisitive by nature, which sometimes doesn’t suit a cat’s introverted personality.

But the saying “fighting like cats and dogs” doesn’t have to be that way when you introduce your canine to your feline.

Whether your dachshund and cat get along depends on their personalities, experiences and backgrounds.

If you get your dachshund when he was a puppy and your cat is already in the house, chances are he will play nice, as your puppy will accept that the cat is the boss.

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However, if you are introducing an older dachshund to your cat, there are a few steps you should take to make sure that everyone lives happily ever after.

introducing a Are dachshunds good with cats

The method of introducing your dachshund and cat.

There are different ways you can introduce your dachshund and cat to each other:

Allow them to meet face to face: this method involves observing the body language of both the dog and cat.

Cats are rarely a threat to a dog, but it can be the other way around. One person can hold the Dachshund on a leash and another person can hold the cat.

If the cat shows no signs of being defensive, such as a raised back and hissing, let the cat move.

When your dachshund behaves calmly with the cat, you can also leave it and ask the dog to sit or lie down while the cat sniffs.

If the dog ignores the cat, congratulate and reward him. If your dog is too obsessed with the cat, try the desensitization method.

The desensitization method: this method involves trying to reduce your dachshund’s reaction to the cat by slowly desensitizing the dog.

Separate both pets and place them in separate rooms from each other with a baby gate in the door.

Make sure all their supplies are in the room with them, such as food, bed, litter box, etc.

Let your dog briefly see the cat through the door and then have the dog focus on something else, such as a toy or a sound.

If your dog can focus his attention elsewhere, congratulate him. Let your dog see the cat several times during the day, but keep it brief.

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It may be helpful to feed each pet on either side of a closed-door at the same time so they both associate the other with the smell of food or even swap bedding so they can get used to each other’s scent.

By doing this over a period of time, sometimes hours, days, days, weeks or months, it depends on the dog, the dog should lose interest in the cat and get used to the cat being around.

Getting along

Whether your dachshund and your feline friend get along depends on their individual personalities, experiences, and backgrounds. If you adopt a Dachshund as a puppy, it is relatively easy to socialize the dog to get along with the cats in the household.

If your pets are socialized together from day one, they are likely to get along well with each other. Be careful if your dog’s history is unknown, as a dachsie that has not been socialized with felines may attack or even kill a cat.

Can dachshunds and cats get along: Potential Problems

Dachshunds are hunting dogs and their instinct to chase and hunt other small animals can be incredibly strong. A dachsie’s instinct to chase, or even harm, other pets such as cats, rodents or birds can be overwhelming.

do mini dachshund get along with cats

The risk is greater if you adopt an adult dachshund that has not been socialized with animals of other species. If it is too late in the dog’s adult life to safely socialize it with cats, separate both pets for safety.

Setting the Scene

Successful cat-dachshund relationships are often formed when the dachshund is the second pet to join the household: introducing a cat once a dachshund has established its home as your territory is riskier than introducing a young dachsie to an established cat.

introduce a new pet when it is already established, block off an area of the house that “belongs” to the pet that was there first.

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For example, you can designate a particular bedroom as a cat-only space or allow the dachsie to roam only the downstairs of the house. If your cat lives upstairs, it’s a good idea to keep your dachshund from climbing the stairs anyway; this can cause problems for the dog’s long, fragile back.

Can dachshunds and cats get along: Tips and tricks

You may need to place barriers between your dachsie and your cat, at least to begin with. If you feed your dachsie and cat simultaneously on opposite sides of a closed door, they will associate the happy time of eating with the smell and presence of the other animal.

Allowing pets to roam on opposite sides of a baby screen door allows them to get used to seeing each other.

Be sure to give both pets equal attention and praise so the established pet doesn’t feel neglected or jealous. Don’t leave your pets together unsupervised until you are absolutely sure they won’t hurt each other.

The Personality of your dachshund

As each dog’s personality and temperament varies from dog to dog, so do dachshund personalities.

But, in general, most Dachshunds have strong personalities – people are often surprised that this little dog has such an impact!

They like to have dogs much bigger than they are and love to be the center of attention.

They can be quite jealous and tend to make excellent dogs for a single person or an older person who has time to devote all their love to their furry friend.

Dachshunds like to be in charge at all times, so it is important that you teach them who is boss from an early age.

Treats work very well with this breed in training, as they can be incredibly stubborn.

Patience and being gentle is key: being harsh can only make a dachshund snap or bite. Dachshunds are known to bark because they are very alert little dogs.

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If a stranger approaches, he will alert his owner with a high-pitched bark, so again, patience is needed when teaching your little one not to bark.

In terms of exercise, Dachshunds are quite happy with just a little.

They like to run and play and it is also important that they do this on a daily basis to keep them happy and healthy, but they do not need vigorous walks.

However, don’t overfeed your Dachshund, as they can have weight problems that can then affect their spine, among other things.

Although most dachshunds are the same size as cats, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will always get along.

Dachshunds are quite stubborn and inquisitive by nature, which sometimes doesn’t suit a cat’s introverted personality.

But the saying “fighting like cats and dogs” doesn’t have to be that way when you introduce your canine to your feline.

Whether your dachshund and cat get along depends on their personalities, experiences, and backgrounds.

If you get your dachshund when he was a puppy and your cat is already in the house, chances are he will play nice, as your puppy will accept that the cat is the boss.

However, if you are introducing an older dachshund to your cat, there are a few steps you should take to make sure that everyone lives happily ever after.

The warning signs

While the hope is that your dachshund will respond positively to your feline companion, he may not either. Here are some of the warning signs to look for if he’s about to go pear-shaped:

-Dachshund throws or displays aggressive behavior toward a calm and collected cat, or vice versa, this is a sign that this combination is most likely not working.

-Your cat displays hissing, growling, back arching, and thrashing behavior, which means they are going into defense mode and do not feel safe with your dachshund.

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-If your cat stops eating, drinking, or using his litter box, he is not happy.

-After extensive training, your Dachshund still can’t stop looking and concentrating on the cat, it may mean your dog is not compatible with cats.

Male Dachshunds and Male Cats

Since both male Dachshunds and male cats are more territorial in nature, this combination requires more work in terms of making them comfortable with each other.

It is advisable to have opposite sexes or two females over two males.

How to cat test a dachshund

If you already have a dachshund and are thinking about getting a cat, then it is smart to “cat-proof” your dog.

Take your dachshund to a friend’s house where a cat lives and see how your dog reacts to the cat. Is he constantly staring and growling at the cat? Is he barking at the cat?

Is he trying to attack the cat? If so, these are telltale signs that perhaps your dachshund is not suited to living with a cat.

If your dog remains relatively calm, but is just curious, this is a good sign!

How to keep a cat from attacking your dachshund

Whether it’s your cat or a neighbor’s cat that keeps attacking your dachshund, it’s not good for either animal.

Cats can bite and scratch dogs, which can lead to infections. Cats also tend to hiss a lot when they are feeling defensive.

If a dog constantly puts them on the defensive, they automatically hiss too because they know the dog will leave them alone after that and it’s a way for the cat to manage their stress.

You need to calm your cat down and make him feel more secure. Here are some ways to make sure a cat stops attacking your beloved Dachshund:

Manage the situation: if your canine is bothering your feline, chances are your feline will become irritated and attack your poor canine who is probably just looking to play.

When this happens, make sure you have an escape route for your cat so he has a safe place to run to, and make sure your dachshund can’t follow him.

When you’re not around, it’s best to keep your cat and dachshund separate.

Reduce stress: Try to relieve your cat’s stress and tension. Some products like Feliway spray can help calm your cat or soft chews can also help relieve stress.

Direct your cat’s energy: sometimes cats like to tease and pounce on your dachshund’s tail, especially if it’s a puppy.

When this happens, distract your cat with a game, perhaps with a piece of string or a ball. The cat will usually play with this and leave your dachshund alone.

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Cats can experience “redirected aggression,” meaning that if they see something or are provoked by something outside when they are indoors, they can get very excited and redirect this energy to their owner or dog.

When this happens, taking your cat and putting him in a dark room may calm him down, or it may be best to keep him from being able to see out the windows if this happens frequently.

If your cat hisses constantly, make a sudden noise or splash some water on your cat.

Can Dachshunds And Cats Get Along: Establishing Territories

If you are introducing a dachshund into a home where a cat already lives, it is important that before that, you make sure your cat knows that he has a protected space that is just for him.

Make sure your dog never goes into this area. An ideal space is a cat tree or a bed on top of a bookshelf, as cats love to climb upwards.

Keep the cat litter box away from your dachshund, as cats like to feel safe when going to the bathroom and sometimes dogs like to eat a cat’s feces.

Always keep dog and cat food bowls separate.

Both animals tend to walk right up to the other’s bowl and eat from it, which can drive the other crazy, especially dogs, who can be very protective of the food.

Be sure to schedule regular feeding at mealtimes (no free feeding) and place the dog bowl in the bowl.

They like to run and play and it is also important that they do this on a daily basis to keep them happy and healthy, but they do not need vigorous walks.

However, don’t overfeed your Dachshund, as they can have weight problems that can then affect their spine, among other things.

Dogs also love to take cats’ toys – so make sure this doesn’t happen all the time.

Exercise your dachshund can help adjust to a cat

It’s not just about exercising your dog’s body, but also their mind. Just like humans, they also need to be able to slow down their brains and control themselves, especially when around cats.

Stimulate your dog by providing lots of toys and high-intensity trick training. When walking your dachshund, ask him to sit at every block.

Change speeds during the walk, as well as directions. If this is not something you have time for, hire a dog walker or handler.

When your dog is getting an adequate amount of exercise, your interest in bothering your cat will diminish.

Dachshunds and cats can live together in harmony, but it’s up to you to make sure this process is done correctly.

It can take a lot of work, but if both animals are decent, this usually happens relatively quickly and smoothly.



Are dachshunds good with cats?

In general, dachshunds are friendly with cats. They will tolerate living with them in the same house. They may even become best friends if they grew up together.

Can a dachshund kill a cat?

Dachshunds are bred to hunt badgers and other small animals. Their instincts tell them to hunt cats. My brother’s miniature dachshund practically killed my parents’ cat.

How to introduce a dog and a cat

Getting started. Make sure the cat has access to a dog-free sanctuary at all times.

  • Keep the pets apart at first.
  • Feed them on opposite sides of a closed door.
  • Teach basic commands
  • Initiate face-to-face meetings
  • Repeat sessions every day
  • Allow pets to run loose together
  • Proceed with caution.

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