How Long Can a Dog Live With a Pyometra?

How Long Can a Dog Live With a Pyometra?

Last Updated on August 15, 2022 by Dogs Vets

How Long Can a Dog Live With a Pyometra? 


If your pet is suffering from a pyometra, the question on your mind may be, how long can a dog live with a pyometra? The truth is that it depends on the dog, but about 70% of dogs who are treated for an open pyometra will have a recurrence within two years.

To help you decide how long your pet can live with a pyometra, here are some tips:


Pyometra in dogs is a life-threatening infection caused by cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Symptoms of pyometra include abdominal pain, vomiting, and increased heart rate.

Surgical removal of the infected uterus is the definitive treatment for pyometra. This type of surgery is more complex than a routine spay because the uterus is infected and removing it safely can cause complications.

If your dog has symptoms of pyometra, he should visit his veterinarian immediately.

Your veterinarian will look for several things, including blood work to check the white blood cell count and bacteria in the urine.

You should also have your dog undergo ultrasound to rule out other causes for the swollen abdomen. Other signs of pyometra in dogs include increased thirst, diarrhea, and fatigue.

Antibiotics are usually given to reduce the inflammation and infection. This treatment may take two to four days, and your pet needs close monitoring and frequent recheck visits. If you don’t get the treatment for your pet, the prognosis is poor.

Dog With a Pyometra?

If the symptoms do not disappear, your veterinarian may need to perform emergency surgery. While most dogs recover from this condition, treatment for pyometra is critical.

Surgery may be necessary, and the dog may need intravenous fluids. Your veterinarian may also order tests to check your dog’s kidney function, red blood cells, and hydration level. If medication therapy doesn’t work, your dog will likely need to be hospitalized.

During this time, your dog should not be exercised, and you should limit leash walks to eliminate your dog. Additionally, increased activity and licking the incision may cause an infection and necrosis. It may even cause cellulitis, which can lead to sepsis.

Open and closed Pyometra are both serious conditions, and both require treatment. A dog suffering from closed pyometra is at higher risk of death, and its uterus is difficult to drain. It may also be anorexic or listless and suffer from chronic diarrhea.

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It may also have a high risk for dehydration. A rupture of the uterus may also lead to serious medical conditions, including peritonitis and even death.


Treatment for pyometra in dogs usually involves surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus. During the time of pyometra, the uterine tissue becomes engorged with blood, making it more fragile than normal.

This condition can be prevented by surgical removal. However, this treatment is not for every case, and the risks of recurrence are high.

Treatment for pyometra in dogs

A vet will use a stethoscope to diagnose pyometra. A pyometra diagnosis requires your veterinarian to examine your dog. During an examination, your veterinarian should check your dog’s cervix and ovaries to determine if you should proceed with surgery.

The uterus can rupture and release infected material into the abdomen. If the rupture is not prevented, it can be fatal. In addition to pain, nausea, vomiting, and an elevated heart rate are common symptoms of the condition.

Diagnostic testing for pyometra in dogs can be complicated. Your veterinarian may be unable to perform a full diagnosis without a complete medical history. Your veterinarian will want to know if your dog is displaying unusual behavior or if it is acting depressed.

Moreover, your vet will ask you about your pet’s appetite, behavior, and activity level. A depressed dog may also display signs of infection or pain.

You will also have to explain to your vet when your dog last had a heat cycle, how he eats, and whether he is depressed.

A complete blood count may be necessary to determine the exact type of infection. A high number of white blood cells, especially in dogs with pyometra, is usually indicative of a severe infection. Your veterinarian may also want to check for a high level of globulins in your dog’s blood.

The elevated count of white blood cells is a key indicator of pyometra, and can determine whether your dog will be ready for surgery or other treatment.

If you suspect your dog has pyometra, your veterinarian will first need to examine your dog’s abdomen. An x-ray of the abdomen will show an enlarged uterus.

If the cervix is intact, you may not notice the enlarged uterus. Other factors such as early pregnancy or tumors may also cause the uterus to enlarge.

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An abdominal ultrasound is a sensitive way to diagnose pyometra in dogs and will rule out many other causes of uterine enlargement.

Pyometra Treatment for Dogs

Pyometra in dogs is often mistaken for a heat cycle, but there are other medical conditions that can mimic a dog’s symptoms. The symptoms of pyometra in dogs may include a vaginal discharge, enlarged abdominal region, or a change in behavior.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, seek medical attention as soon as possible. During your dog’s visit, your veterinarian will ask you about your dog’s heat cycle and check for any swelling in her abdomen.

During a dog’s menstrual cycle, the body produces large amounts of progesterone, which triggers a thick uterine lining, which is perfect for pregnancy. However, if a dog does not undergo puberty, it can develop pyometra cysts in her uterus.

The disease is common in female dogs and occurs most often in dogs of middle or late ages.

Despite its ominous nature, pyometra in dogs is rarely fatal, and there are ways to prevent it.

The most common form of treatment for pyometra in dogs involves surgery. A veterinarian will perform an emergency spay on your dog. This procedure is similar to a spay for a puppy, but can be more challenging.

A larger abdominal incision must be made, and the uterus must be removed without tearing the uterine wall, which can lead to pus leakage and complications. The operation may require hospitalization.

Once your dog has a pyometra infection, treatment is usually the same as for a woman with the same condition. Antibiotics are administered to the infected area.

In some cases, dogs may be sent home with an antibiotic treatment. It may be necessary to do surgery or receive intravenous fluids after the operation. A dog’s prognosis is poor unless the condition is treated as quickly as possible.

Pyometra is a common condition in female dogs. Although it is more common in older females, it can strike a pregnant female as well. It can affect any breed, but it is most common in Bernese Mountain dogs, Rottweilers, and Collies.

If your dog does not have a past pregnancy, she is at risk of getting the infection. Treatment for pyometra in dogs should be based on your dog’s age and breed.


The prognosis of pyometra depends on the state of the patient at presentation and the type of infection. Female dogs are more likely to develop pyometra than males, but can also contract the disease from an infected mate.

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Depending on the type of pyometra, treatment can range from simple antibiotics to surgery. Some dogs are at high risk for complication if the uterus is closed.

The prognosis of pyometra is poor, and most dogs will recur within 2 years. Surgery may be the only option for open-type pyometra, but it is costly and requires a high level of expertise.

Comprehensive pet insurance plans can help you afford this treatment and focus on your pet’s recovery.

Alternatively, a medical treatment known as prostalgin injections may be an option. However, this method requires a week’s stay in a hospital. It is only recommended for high-value breeding animals, as it carries significant risks.

If the infection is closed and the dog is stable, the best course of treatment is surgery. During the operation, the uterus and the ovaries are removed, but the infection may spill out. Surgical treatment is not recommended if the pyometra has spread to other organs or if the dog is too young or too old to breed.

Although the anaesthetic risks are higher in older and weakened patients, the recovery period is usually short. Most dogs will be sent home with antibiotics to combat infection and inflammation.

The first signs of pyometra in dogs are not immediately obvious. A dog may be thirsty and lethargic. A discharge from the vagina may also be present.

It is essential to treat pyometra in dogs as soon as possible, as early detection can save a dog’s life. If you find your dog exhibiting any of these symptoms, see a veterinarian immediately.

One of the limitations of this study is that data were retrospective, and there were some bitches who were euthanized instead of treated with a surgical procedure.

In addition, some bitches with pyometra were more severely affected. Thus, the data reported here cannot compare the surgical and medical treatments.

Despite these limitations, the study’s results increase our ability to predict the prognosis and outcome of surgical treatment for pyometra in dogs. By studying early detection of pyometra, we can better select the appropriate therapy, decrease morbidity, and save money.


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