How to Get Rid of Dog Worms Safely and Quickly

How to Get Rid of Dog Worms Safely and Quickly

Last Updated on October 23, 2022 by Dogs Vets

How to Get Rid of Dog Worms Safely and Quickly


Are you looking for a way to get rid of dog worms safely and quickly? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

In this blog, we’ll overview the different types of worms that can infest dogs, explain how they get into your home, and provide tips on how to get rid of them.

We’ll also cover what to do if you notice that your dog has worms and how to prevent tapeworms in dogs.

Finally, we’ll provide some home remedies for worms if needed. So put on your anti-worming gear and let’s get started!


What are dog worms?

Dogs are the best friends a person could ask for, and worms just happen to be their worst enemies. These small, white creatures are known as dog worms and can attach themselves to your pet’s skin.

If you’re concerned about your dog’s health and behavior, it’s time to take action and get rid of the worms. There are a few ways to go about this, and the product you choose will depend on the type of worm your pet has.

It is always important to take your dog to the vet if they are displaying any of the following signs: diarrhea, vomiting and an increase in appetite.

In addition, worms can infest a dog’s stomach in different ways – roundworms, hookworms and whipworms.

How to Get Rid of Dog Worms

The good news is that worming or deworming is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of them. However, it must be done carefully as not all wormers are safe for dogs and some can even be harmful.

So make sure you consult with your vet before starting this process on your pup!

However, the steps involved are relatively simple and straightforward. Just be sure to follow the directions carefully, and you’ll be on your way to aworm-free home in no time!


Types of worms that affect dogs


It’s never too late to get your dogworm-free! Here are four tips on how to get rid of worms safely and quickly:

1. Know the types of worms that affect dogs – roundworm and hookworm.

2. Take care of food and water needs of roundworm and hookworm eggs, as this is how they survive.

3. If your dog shows any signs of roundworm or hookworm infection, get them checked out by a vet as soon as possible.

4. If your dog is already showing signs of heart or liver disease due to parasite overload, getting them treated for worms may be a helpful step in their recovery.


How to Get Rid of Dog Worms Safely


How do dog worms get into your house?

Dogs are the best friends a human could ask for, but they can also be the worst enemies when it comes to pests.

One of the pests that dogs can bring into homes is dog worms. These worms can get into houses in a number of ways, including through open doors and windows.

Prevention is key – be sure to close all gaps around doors and windows, and keep them locked when not in use.

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If you do find dog worms inside your house, don’t try to remove them yourself – call a professional!

Keep an eye out for signs that your dog may have brought the worms into the house – vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

If you do catch dog worms, make sure to follow the instructions below for safely getting rid of them.


Treatment of Worms in Dog and Cats

Praziquantel and epsiprantel are two of the products that are approved in Canada to treat D. caninum in dogs and cats.
Because this tapeworm has a very short pre-patent period (just a few weeks), owners may think the treatment didn’t work when the dog or cat just got infected again because the flea control wasn’t good enough.
D. caninum, on the other hand, has recently been shown to be resistant to praziquantel.
This means that giving cestocide to pets on a regular basis in homes where fleas have been found is not a good way to use anthelmintics.
When fleas are found, efforts should be made to get rid of them instead of giving a cestocide every time. 


Ways to treat your dog for worms:


1) Make sure to give them enough food and water; withholding food or water will only make things worse.

2) Take chamomile tea daily; dogs metabolize chamomile differently than people so it may take longer for the worm killers in the tea to work but results are usually better.

3) Give deworming tablets every day until their stool tests negative; again results may take several days.


What should you do if your dog has already got dog worms?

If your dog has already got dog worms, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. There are a few things you can do to help lessen the severity of the infestation.

For example, applying an anti-worm product directly to the skin will kill any larvae that’s on the skin.

Additionally, making sure your pet has frequent walks and plenty of fresh water can help reduce the number of worm eggs around your home.

If these remedies don’t work, you may need to take your pet to the vet to have them treated. In the meantime, keep a close eye on your pup and monitor their health closely.


Signs and symptoms your dog has worms

Dogs are natural wormers and will go to great lengths to get rid of worms.

However, not all worms are visible to the human eye, which is why it’s important to take your dog to a veterinarian for treatment if you notice some of these symptoms.

Worms affect dogs’ digestive system in many ways, leading diarrhea as one of its symptoms, it can cause diarrhea that occasionally contains blood or mucous.

  • Vomiting, which may contain mature worms on occasion.
  • Loss of weight, especially if your dog has a healthy appetite.
  • A swollen abdomen or “unhealthy” overall appearance.
  • A dull, dry coat.
  • Excessive scooting and bottom-chewing behavior.


Excessive scratching:  This is a sign that your dog may be trying to remove parasite eggs from their body.

Lameness:  Worms can cause inflammation of the joints which can lead to lameness.

Weight loss: Dogs who suffer from worms often lose weight as they don’t have enough energy to hunt and eat food properly. This weight loss can also be due to anemia caused byworm infestation.

Unusual increased thirst or urination: If these symptoms persist for more than three days, please consult a veterinarian.

In addition to taking your dog to the vet, there are other natural ways you can treat worms such as using eggs from a chicken or duck.

You should also make sure that you follow the instructions on package carefully and keep an eye on your pup while they are taking these treatments.

If you are noticing one or more of the following signs in your dog, it is likely that they have worms. Take them to the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Ways to combat worms in your dog

No one likes dog worms, but they’re unfortunately a common problem.

If you’re looking to get rid of them quickly and safely, try some of these natural remedies.

Oral rehydration therapy (ORS) is a popular way to treat worms in dogs, and it involves giving them water that has been mixed with a small amount of glucose.

Garlic is also a natural wormer and it’s often used in dog food. However, you should only give your dog small doses of garlic and avoid giving it to puppies or pregnant dogs.

If elimination symptoms persist even after following these remedies, it may be a good idea to see your veterinarian for an evaluation.

Until then, keep practicing patience and diligence, and you’ll be on your way to getting rid of dog worms in no time!


Medical treatment for worms

Dogs can get worms from a variety of sources, including fleas, other dogs, and even cats. If your dog becomes ill with worms, medical treatment is necessary to avoid complications and infection.

There are several safe and effective ways to get rid of worms without resorting to pesticides or other chemicals. Be sure to give your dog adequate rest so they don’t become dehydrated from the intense elimination process.



Dogs are often afflicted with worms, which can be quite debilitating for them.

If you’re noticing any of the following changes in your dog, it’s time to take them to the vet for a check-up: loss of weight or diarrhea.

There are various ways to get rid of worms in dogs – some involving medication and others not at all.

Make sure you follow the treatment instructions carefully so as not to cause side effects on either party!

Finally, never attempt to treat a dog infected with worm yourself – professional help is always best!



7 Home Remedies for Dog Worms Treatment 



1. Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

If you have a dog, it’s important to be aware of the signs that they may be sick.

One of the most common ways dogs get sick is by getting worms – and apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help treat this condition effectively. Other than that, ACV is also known as an effective natural remedy for fleas and ticks.

Therefore, if you notice any of the following signs in your dog, it is best to take them to see their vet:

vomiting or diarrhoea; decreased appetite; increased thirst or urination; lethargy or difficulty moving around; and reduced resistance to parasite-caused diseases like hookworm infection.


2. Chopped carrots

There are few things more frustrating than trying to get your dog to eat his food – and when that food is chopped up into small pieces, it becomes even harder.

Unfortunately, this is the stage most dogs reach: they start eating less or refusing to eat at all. In order to solve this problem, you will need to make some changes in your dog’s diet.

Feeding him a high-fiber and low-sugar diet will help speed up the elimination process (a process animals go through naturally).

If left untreated, worms can be fatal – so it’s important act fast and bring your pup in for treatment as soon as possible!


3. Garlic

If you notice any of the following signs from your dog, it is time to take them to the vet for a check-up: an increase in thirst or appetite, poor hygiene (encouraging excessive licking or biting of the skin), increased aggression or anxiety towards people or other animals.


4. Wheat Germ Oil

If you suspect that your dog may have worms, the best course of action is to take them to the vet. However, there are a few natural ways to get rid of these pesky parasites without resorting to harsh chemicals or procedures.

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One such method is using wheat germ oil – this safe and gentle approach has been found to be very effective in removing worms from dogs.

Remember that Wheat Germ Oil should only be used on dogs that have been diagnosed with worms – do not use it on puppies or kittens!


5. Turmeric

If you are noticing any of the following symptoms in your dog, it is time to take them to the vet: – Oss of appetite – Xcessive drinking – One effective way to get rid of worms is by using a product called Turmeric.

You will need to give your dog a dosage every day for two weeks and then twice a month thereafter. – Worm eggs will hatch in 3 weeks so keep an eye out for them!


6. Kefir

Kefir is a natural remedy that can be used to treat worms in dogs. If you notice any of the following signs, it is time to take your dog to the vet:

  • Your dog has parasite eggs or larvae inside them.
  • Their stool looks abnormally small oriled and clumpy.
  • They are losing weight rapidly even when they’re eating normally If any of these signs are present, it’s best to get your dog checked out by a vet.

While kefir can be effective in treating worms, it does have some side effects like increased appetite and vomiting which you will need to monitor closely.


7. Chamomile

If you’re noticing one or more of the following signs in your dog, it’s likely they have worms: loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, increased water consumption and urination.

Chamomile is a naturalworm killer and can be used as a home remedy.

Keep an eye out for your dog’s stool – if it looks abnormal, get them checked out by vet ASAP!


More Remedies for dog worm treatment 

There are a number of ways to diagnose and treat worms in dogs. However, the most effective way is through a deworming programme that uses various remedies.

Some of the most common ones include prescribing anti-worm medication, giving your dog apple cider vinegar or garlic extract as supplements, or using fenbendazole tablets.

While deworming programmes are highly effective in eliminating worms from your dog’s system, remember to be aware that not all dogs will respond favorably to them – some may experience vomiting or diarrhoea. If this occurs, discontinue the treatment and consult your vet immediately.


Steps to follow to get rid of dog worms safely and quickly

Getting rid of dog worms can be a daunting task, but with a few simple steps it can be done safely and quickly.

First and foremost, make sure your dog is regularly de-wormed.

If you find a worm while doing yard work or elsewhere, take your dog to your vet or a pet store and get it de-wormed.

Next, throw away any food that was in close proximity to the area where the worm was found – this includes fruits and vegetables if they have been eaten within 3 days of being picked up from outdoors.

Finally, pour 1 gallon of boiling water onto all surfaces where there are suspected worms (including carpets), wait 10 minutes, then cover everything with plastic wrap until cold to kill any remaining larvae.



If you’re like most dog owners, you’ve probably been desperately looking for ways to get rid of dog worms.

Well, worry no more! In this blog post, we have outlined the best methods for getting rid of dog worms safely and quickly, as well as provided tips on how to prevent tapeworms in dogs.

So what are you waiting for? Start following the steps listed and get rid of those pesky worms!


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