Woman rescues a lonely stray dog she had found on a beach

Woman rescues a lonely stray dog she had found on a beach

Last Updated on May 18, 2021 by Dogs Vets

Woman in rescues  Lonely stray dog


There are millions of stray dogs in Greece. Some of these dogs end up with good chances and are rescued and possibly adopted. Given their large numbers, the sick and the less fortunate come first. In this case, the rules have changed!

This lovely lady went to the beach with her dogs, and there something truly amazing happened. On the beach she came across this cute stray dog that seemed to really like people. This innocent creature needed care and attention from someone. She needed someone to rescue her from her life and be loved.

rescues a lonely stray dog

“One afternoon I saw her for the first time, approaching us and wagging her tail. She had seen us from afar and was desperate for someone to come with. She joined the four of us and tried to get used to her new life. ”

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The woman then lured the cold dog into her car and drove off with her. She called her Bleue, such a beautiful name.

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Very quickly, the beautiful Bleue fell in love with Gold and was adopted by a loving mother from Holland, and she is doing very well. In fact, Bleue is training hard to become a therapy dog. How sweet!

woman who rescues a lonely stray dog

“Her mom and I talk every day and Bleue has come a long way. My gut says she will do like a therapy dog, but even if she doesn’t, she will have a great life. “”

That’s when she finally made the decision that would change the dog’s life forever …. For more information, see the youtube video below. You will surely love this story of this beautiful dog and of course this wonderful woman who changed her life .



Sad, lonely and scared, Arnie was discovered by E., a SCARS volunteer at a gas station on the highway, about 65 kilometers from Athens. A calm, quiet giant, looking at you with those huge green eyes, but not approaching, thin, neglected and with a dermatological disease that made him scratch unstoppably.

She fell in love, took his picture and went back to Athens. Her heart stayed there beside him, with the promise to be back soon. And she did. And I went with her. 48 hours later we were back and spent hours in that gas station helping the giant who asked for help but at the same time refused to let us help him.

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A Woman in Greece rescues a lonely stray dog she found on the beach

He is still a young dog and when from time to time the remnants of his puppy age come out and he tries to play, it is the funniest and most adorable thing to see. 50 pounds (maybe more) bouncing around, digging in the sand and doing ridiculously adorable happy dances around his human.

Arnie was adopted a few days ago. His new name is Barney (from Barney Bear) and he will share a home (and a life) with his mom Marilli, Izmir – an adopted hunting dog and five cats (Matias, Titica, Bom Bom, Soya and Fani).

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He already met all 7 members of his new family and they went along perfectly. The happy, fun dog digging in the sand and running around happily has nothing to do with the sad, lonely creature we rescued that night. Absolutely nothing.

the stray dog

And right now I can finally say something I’ve always wanted to say since the  very moment we came back from that gas station.

stray dog

While E. was trying to catch the dog, a woman nearby approached, all noisy and suspicious, trying her best to convince her that we should not try rescue him. “I am taking care of him, the dog belongs here, leave him alone” – that’s what the woman said. I swear. So here is my advice for all the people out-there who believe that strays belong on the streets:: STUPID YOU ARE, BREED YOU MUST NOT!” (Ah! What a relief!).


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Reference: Theorphanpet.com and snapypets.com


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