Turkey’s Stray Dog Bill Raises Concerns Over Euthanasia

Turkey's Stray Dog Bill Raises Concerns Over Euthanasia

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dog Lover

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — A proposed bill in Turkey that seeks to address the country’s substantial stray dog population is advancing towards becoming law, but it has raised significant concerns among animal rights advocates.

Critics fear that the legislation could lead to widespread euthanasia or result in the dogs being placed in overcrowded shelters. The bill, introduced by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling party, highlights the growing issue of stray dogs in Turkey.

Erdogan asserts that the problem persists despite ongoing efforts to address it. With an estimated 4 million stray dogs across Turkey’s urban and rural areas, the bill is expected to face a final vote in the parliamentary assembly in the coming days.

While many of these dogs are non-aggressive, incidents of attacks have increased as packs form.

Source: keyt.com
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