Woman Convicted 38 Years Later for Infant’s Death after a Dog found the body

Woman Convicted 38 Years Later for Infant's Death after a Dog found the body

Last Updated on June 22, 2023 by Dogs Vets

Woman Convicted 38 Years Later for Infant’s Death, Initially Discovered by a Dog Bringing the Body Home”

Justice Served Decades Later in Tragic Infant Death – The Intriguing Tale of a Heartbreaking Crime Finally Resolved


The Unraveling of a 38-Year-Old Mystery

In an unprecedented turn of events, Lee Ann Daigle, a 58-year-old woman from Lowell, Massachusetts, recently received a six-year prison sentence for a heartbreaking crime committed almost 38years ago.

The seemingly forgotten case resurfaced when Daigle admitted in court to the manslaughter of her newborn daughter, who was tragically left to die in a remote gravel pit in northern Maine during the chilling winter of 1985​​.


A Siberian Husky Unveils a Tragic Secret

The infant’s lifeless body, later known as Baby Jane Doe, was discovered by a Siberian Husky. The dog found the baby in the gravel pit and carried her back to its home’s front lawn in Frenchville, situated near the Canadian border.

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The dog’s owner, Armand Pelletier, described the chilling scene: “I could not believe what I saw. I saw what looked like a little rag doll, but then we saw it was a frozen little baby,” he told the Bangor Daily News in 2014​​.


Technological Advancements Bring Justice

Intriguingly, the crime remained unsolved for years. Daigle, known as Lee Ann Guerrette at the time of the incident, wasn’t identified or arrested in connection with the crime until last summer.

Technological advancements played a pivotal role in moving the investigation forward, finally providing closure to the long-standing mystery. Authorities were able to crack the case and Daigle was indicted on a murder charge in June 2022​​.


A Tearful Apology and a Breakthrough in the Case

In court, Daigle offered a tearful apology, admitting that she panicked instead of seeking help. “I could’ve done more. I should’ve done more,” she confessed.

A DNA match provided a crucial break in the case, leading to Daigle’s indictment.

During the years the case remained unresolved, Daigle raised two daughters, who both testified at her sentencing. Initially charged with depraved indifference murder, she pleaded guilty to manslaughter, resulting in a 16-year prison sentence, most of which was suspended​.


Maine’s Current Law Promotes Child Safety

Today, laws in Maine have changed to better protect children and provide alternatives for struggling parents.

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Parents can now surrender a child less than 31 days old to approved safe haven providers, including law enforcement officers, medical service providers, and hospitals. This law ensures the safety and well-being of newborns who may otherwise face a perilous fate​1​.

This story has served as a powerful reminder of how far we’ve come in terms of technology, law enforcement, and child protection.

The tale of Baby Jane Doe, though tragic, has highlighted the importance of continual advancements in our society, ensuring that justice, though sometimes delayed, is never denied.


Article source: CBS News


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