How to Teach Your Dog to Kiss: 3 Proven Methods

How to Teach Your Dog to Kiss: 3 Proven Methods

Last Updated on December 6, 2024 by Dogs Vets

How to Teach Your Dog to Kiss on Command in 3 Ways


Teaching dogs new tricks is fun and exciting not only for owners but also for dogs. Some are crucial parts of obedience training, while others are more just for fun. So, you can teach your dog to play dead, shake hands, spin, roll over, and more on your verbal cue or use dog hand signals.

Can you teach your dog to kiss you? Do dogs like kisses? Most dogs find this trick easy and fun to perform. That’s why we’re offering a brief overview of three proven methods to teach your dog to kiss. Let’s dive in. 

Method 1. Capture the Behavior

Since licking people is a natural behavior for dogs, you can use the capturing method to teach your dog to kiss you. By capturing, we mean adding a verbal cue to a behavior your dog already does. You don’t need to prompt it; instead, notice and reward the dog when it occurs.

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Here’s how to teach your dog to kiss with capturing: 

  1. Praise and reward the dog when they lick you. If you introduce your dog to clicker training, you can use a clicker at this point, too. Because of the reward, your dog will start licking you more to earn the reward. 
  2. Keep practicing regularly. After a while, add a verbal cue like “Kiss” before giving your dog a treat. After several repetitions, your dog will start associating the word “Kiss” with a specific behavior, such as liking your cheek. 
  3. Give the verbal cue “Kiss” to your dog when you interact. Praise and reward the appropriate response. 
  4. When your dog consistently responds to the cue “Kiss,” you can start practicing a dog kiss on different body parts, such as your hands. 

How to Teach Your Dog to Kiss

Source: Freepik

Method 2. Prompt the Kiss

As we’ve already discussed, licking people is a typical and natural behavior for most dogs. Instead of capturing, you can encourage your dog to kiss you by producing a kissing noise. Many dogs demonstrate an automatic response to such noise and lick the owner back. 

Here’s how to prompt a dog to kiss you: 

  1. Make the kissing noise. If your dog starts licking you, praise the behavior and reward the dog with a high-value treat. 
  2. Practice for a while, add a verbal command, “Kiss,” and make the noise. 
  3. Gradually fade the kissing noise and only use the verbal command. Praise the dog for following the command and reward them. 
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Method 3. Lure the Kiss

Though licking the owner is a behavior many dogs do naturally, some dogs don’t show such tendencies. If this is your case, you may need to help your dog understand the concept by luring your dog to perform the trick. 

Here’s how to teach your dog to kiss you using a lure: 

  1. Stock up on sticky and soft treats you can put on the back of your hand, like spray cheese. 
  2. Put a small amount of the treat on the back of your hand and hold it close to your dog to allow them to lick it. 
  3. Add a verbal cue and praise your dog when the dog starts licking your hand. 
  4. Keep practicing using a treat as a lure. When your dog grasps the idea of the trick, eliminate the treat and hold your hand for the dog to lick without any treats on. Praise and reward your dog for licking the hand. 

How to Teach Your Dog to Kiss

Source: Freepik

Conclusion: Is Teaching Your Dog to Kiss Worth It? 

Teaching your dog to kiss you doesn’t have any practical use. However, this cute trick can help you strengthen your bond with your dog and provide an excellent opportunity for developing a positive attitude to the training process. Another advantage of mastering the trick is that it’s easy to learn and enjoyable for all parties involved. 

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