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Is Wagz Freedom the Top Dog? Our Smart Collar Review Unveils the Truth




Last Updated on January 10, 2024 by Dogs Vets

Is Wagz Freedom the Top Dog? Our Smart Collar Review Unveils the Truth

Let’s face it, our furry companions hold a leash on our hearts, and spoiling them with the latest gadgets is a badge of honor.

But when it comes to smart collars, the market’s a dogfight. So, when Wagz Freedom strutted onto the scene, promising off-leash adventures with virtual fences and GPS tracking, we had to investigate.

Is it the ultimate tech accessory for your pup, or just another hyped-up kibble?

Buckle up, dog lovers, because we’re about to unleash the truth about the Wagz Freedom Smart Collar.

First Impressions: Sleek Design, Easy Setup

Wagz Freedom’s collar isn’t just tech, it’s fashion-forward.

The lightweight, waterproof design comes in a variety of vibrant colors, making your pup the envy of the dog park.

Setup was a breeze, thanks to the intuitive app. No collar-flinging frustration, just smooth syncing with your phone. Points for user-friendliness, Wagz!

Virtual Fences: A Game Changer (But with Caveats)

Wagz Freedom’s virtual fence feature is the main attraction. Imagine, unleashing your pup in the backyard without the worry of them becoming a runaway beagle!

The GPS tracks their every pawstep, and the app sends a gentle vibration if they stray beyond the designated boundaries.

It’s like an invisible leash, giving your dog freedom to explore while keeping you in control.

But wait, there’s a bark! Virtual fences aren’t foolproof.

Determined diggers might still find their way under the invisible barrier, and stubborn pups might ignore the vibrations (especially squirrels!).

It’s crucial to train your dog to respect the boundaries before letting them roam freely.

Tracking Your Pup’s Every Adventure

Lost dog nightmares? Not anymore! Wagz Freedom’s real-time GPS tracking lets you monitor your dog’s location from anywhere.

Whether they’re chasing butterflies in the park or sniffing lampposts on a mystery walk, you’ll always know where they are.

This peace of mind is priceless, especially for adventurous pups who love to explore.

But don’t expect a CSI-level tracking experience. GPS accuracy can be affected by buildings and other obstacles, so there might be some wiggle room in the map.

How to Clean a Smelly Dog Bed

Still, it’s a huge leap from frantic “lost dog” posters to a quick glance on your phone.

More Than Just a Collar: Fitness Tracker and Health Monitoring

Wagz Freedom isn’t just about keeping your pup safe; it’s about keeping them healthy and happy too.

The collar tracks their activity levels, sleep patterns, and even calorie burn.

This data can help you tailor their exercise routines and keep an eye on their overall well-being. Think of it as a Fitbit for your furry friend.

But remember, dogs aren’t marathon runners.

Don’t push them beyond their limits based on the data. Use it as a guide, not a competitive measure.

Your pup’s tail wags are the best indicator of their happiness, not a calorie counter.

Battery Life: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

The Wagz Freedom collar boasts a long-lasting battery, keeping you connected to your pup for up to two weeks on a single charge.

That’s enough time for several epic adventures, leisurely walks, and nap sessions in the sun.

No more scrambling for the charger just as your dog decides to explore the great outdoors.

But no device is invincible. Extreme temperatures or constant GPS usage can drain the battery faster.

Always pack a portable charger for those extended paw-ty adventures.

Safety First: Durability and Security

Wagz Freedom understands that your pup is a furry family member, so they prioritize safety.

The collar is made of durable materials that can withstand even the most enthusiastic chewers.

Plus, the security features are top-notch, with a locking clasp to prevent accidental unbuckling and a lost mode that alerts you if your pup wanders off without the collar.

But remember, no collar is indestructible. Keep an eye on your pup, especially if they’re known for their demolition derby tendencies.

And don’t rely solely on the locking clasp – sometimes, a determined escape artist can find their way out.

Final Verdict: Wagz Freedom – Top Dog or Barking Hype?

Wagz Freedom is a game-changer for tech-savvy dog owners who crave peace of mind and adventure.

The virtual fences, real-time tracking, and fitness monitoring features are innovative and helpful.

Navigating the App: A Walk in the Park (or Not?)

The Wagz Freedom app is the key to unlocking your pup’s tech potential.

It’s intuitive and user-friendly for the most part, with clear icons and easy-to-understand menus.

You can set virtual fences, monitor activity levels, and even adjust the vibration intensity for stubborn pups.

But here’s the rub. Some users have reported occasional glitches and connectivity issues.

The learning curve can be steeper for those less tech-savvy, and the interface might feel a tad cluttered at times.

Remember, patience is a virtue, even when it comes to apps and furry friends.

Beyond the Collar: Accessories and Subscriptions

Wagz Freedom offers a range of optional accessories to enhance your pup’s tech experience.

You can get a harnesses for extra comfort, LED lights for nighttime walks, and even replacement straps in various colors to match your pup’s personality.

But be warned, these add-ons come at a cost. The initial collar price might seem reasonable, but the accessories can quickly inflate the total investment.

Plus, some features, like advanced activity tracking and geofencing alerts, require a monthly subscription.

Consider your budget and your pup’s needs before diving headfirst into the accessory pool.

The Wagz Freedom Community: Sharing the Canine Tech Journey

Wagz Freedom isn’t just a collar, it’s a community.

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The app connects you with other Wagz users, allowing you to share tips, swap stories, and even track your pups’ adventures together.

It’s a great way to find support, celebrate your pup’s tech-savvy exploits, and maybe even make some furry friends along the way.

But remember, online communities can have their downsides. Be wary of unsolicited advice and comparison traps.

Focus on your pup’s unique needs and experiences, and don’t let the online world overshadow the real-life bond you share with your furry companion.

Wagz Freedom vs. the Competition: A Paw-to-Paw Showdown

The Wagz Freedom isn’t the only smart collar on the block.

Competitors like Whistle Go Explore and Fi Collar offer similar features and functionalities. So, how does Wagz stack up?

Wagz has the edge in design and user-friendliness, while Whistle Go Explore boasts a longer battery life and more advanced activity tracking.

Fi Collar shines with its sleek minimalist design and optional cellular connectivity. Ultimately, the best collar depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Consider factors like price, features, battery life, and design before making your choice.

The Final Wag: Should You Leash Up with Wagz Freedom?

Wagz Freedom is a powerful tool for dog owners who want to balance freedom with safety and keep their pups healthy and happy.

It’s a game-changer for adventurous souls who crave off-leash explorations without the constant worry.

But remember, it’s not a magic bullet. Training, responsible use, and realistic expectations are key to unlocking the full potential of this tech-savvy collar.

So, is Wagz Freedom the top dog? It’s certainly a strong contender in the smart collar arena.

But the best collar for your pup is the one that complements your lifestyle and your furry friend’s personality.

Do your research, weigh the pros and cons, and most importantly, have fun exploring the world of canine tech together!



Is Wagz Freedom safe for my dog?

Yes, Wagz Freedom is made of durable, dog-friendly materials and uses gentle vibrations for virtual fence alerts. However, it’s important to supervise your dog while using the collar, especially if they are known for chewing or digging.

How accurate is the GPS tracking?

GPS accuracy can vary depending on environmental factors like buildings and foliage. However, Wagz Freedom generally provides accurate location information within a reasonable range.

How long does the battery last?

The Wagz Freedom battery can last up to two weeks on a single charge under normal use. However, extreme temperatures and constant GPS usage can drain the battery faster.

What happens if my dog loses the collar?

Wagz Freedom has a lost mode that alerts you if your dog wanders off without the collar. However, it’s important to microchip your dog and keep their identification tags updated just in case.

Is Wagz Freedom worth the price?

The value of Wagz Freedom depends on your individual needs and budget. Consider the features, battery life, and subscription costs before making your decision.

Wagz Freedom: Unleashing Deeper Dives and Tail-Wagging Tales

We’ve explored the core features of Wagz Freedom, but let’s dig deeper into some specific aspects that might wag your tail (or raise your eyebrows).

Virtual Fences: Beyond the Beep

While the gentle vibration is a kind way to nudge your pup back into bounds, some dog owners crave a bit more control.

Top 13 Best Pet GPS Trackers in 2022 (The Complete Guide to Pet Tracking)

Wagz Freedom offers an optional audible alert that can be customized to suit your pup’s temperament.

Think of it as a friendly reminder to stay within the invisible fence.

But remember, sound can be startling for some pups. Introduce the audible alert gradually and keep an eye on their reaction.

It’s all about finding the right balance between effectiveness and comfort.

Fitness Tracking: From Couch Potatoes to Canine Olympians

Wagz Freedom’s activity tracking goes beyond just counting steps.

It breaks down your pup’s playtime, rest time, and even calorie burn.

This data can be incredibly helpful for tailoring their exercise routine and ensuring they stay fit and healthy.

But don’t become a data-driven dog parent! Remember, every pup is different.

A leisurely stroll through the park might be a strenuous workout for a senior dog, while a young pup might need more than just chasing squirrels to burn off their boundless energy.

Focus on your pup’s overall well-being and listen to their body language, not just the numbers on the screen.

Community Connections: More Than Just Likes and Shares

The Wagz Freedom community isn’t just about boasting about your pup’s latest adventure.

It’s a platform for sharing tips, advice, and even finding dog-walking buddies.

Need recommendations for dog-friendly hikes in your area? Want to know how to train your pup to respect virtual fences?

The Wagz community is there to lend a paw.

But be mindful of unsolicited advice and unrealistic comparisons. Every dog is an individual, and what works for one pup might not be right for yours.

Trust your instincts, do your research, and don’t let social media pressure dictate your pup’s care.

Wagz Freedom Beyond the Collar: A Universe of Accessories

Wagz doesn’t just sell collars; they offer a whole ecosystem of canine tech.

From LED lights for nighttime walks to customizable name tags and even replacement straps in every color imaginable, there’s something to make every pup stand out.

But remember, moderation is key.

Before you go on an accessory splurge, consider your pup’s needs and your budget.

A simple collar and a comfortable harness might be all you need for everyday adventures.

The Wagz Freedom Verdict: A Tail-Wagging Conclusion

Wagz Freedom isn’t just a tech gadget; it’s a tool for building a deeper connection with your furry friend.

It lets you explore the world together with confidence, keeping your pup safe and healthy while giving them the freedom to sniff and chase squirrels to their heart’s content.

But remember, technology is just a tool, not a replacement for love and attention.

The best way to ensure your pup’s happiness is to spend quality time with them, play fetch, and give them plenty of belly rubs.

Wagz Freedom can enhance your adventures, but it’s the bond you share that truly makes every wag of their tail priceless.

So, go ahead, unleash your pup’s tech potential with Wagz Freedom.

Just remember, the real magic happens when you put down your phone and get down on your pup’s level. Happy exploring!

Reference Links for Wagz Freedom Review:

Wagz Freedom Website:

Wagz Freedom Reviews:


General Resources on Smart Dog Collars:

Dog Care Advice

Can You Have Allergies and Still Get a Dog?



Can You Have Allergies and Still Get a Dog?

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Dogs Vets

Dogs are great company for humans, offering companionship a range of life-enriching benefits including reduced stress, improved sleep and increased opportunities to spend more time outside.

However, in some cases their impact on health might be less than ideal. While dogs can be lots of fun, being allergic to them certainly isn’t, but is it possible to have allergies and still own a dog?


Designer Doodles

Recent years have seen an increase in demand for a mix of one pedigree breed with a poodle to create a “doodle”. One example is labradoodles or the St Bernard/poodles at Bernedoodle puppies PA; breeds often thought to be hypoallergenic due to reduced shedding.

Unfortunately sometimes allergic pet owners adopt or purchase “hypoallergenic” breeds, only to find that their allergies are no better. To avoid situations such as these, it’s important to first understand how allergies operate, and what the term “hypoallergenic” really means.

What Is a Hypoallergenic Dog?

The commonly misinterpreted term “hypoallergenic” indicates fewer allergens rather than their complete absence, so while some hypoallergenic breeds can be less triggering, no dog is completely allergen-free.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Dog as a Student

Another misconception relates to shedding: while some consider fur to be the main source of allergies, it’s what’s underneath that matters most: even in hairless breeds, certain proteins found in the saliva and urine of dogs can stick to dander (dead skin cells), causing allergies.

Reducing Your Risk

Some research suggests those exposed to dogs from childhood may have a reduced risk of developing asthma. Unfortunately if have existing allergies, a furry friend won’t “cure” them – although there are ways to manage your symptoms:

  • Opting for a smaller dog (less “surface area”; less dander)
  • Brushing your dog outside
  • Using hard floors instead of carpets
  • Using a HEPA vacuum
  • Ventilation, air purifiers and filters
  • Regularly changing your HVAC filter
  • Allocating “dog-free zones” in the house, if possible
  • Regular hand-washing after petting your dog
  • Training your dog to not lick you

Some suggest giving your dog weekly baths. However, this risks stripping your dog’s coat of natural oils, which can lead to itching and discomfort. Others may suggest keeping your dog outside, but even with adequate shelter, dogs are still pack animals who need company to feel safe.

Allergy Testing

To determine whether you can live with a dog in your home, your first step is to take an allergic sensitisation test. Up to 80% of people have multiple allergies happening at once, so it’s possible that reducing one of these could help lower the risk of an allergic reaction to a pet.

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In addition to standard blood and skin-prick tests, allergen component testing can provide more nuanced details about allergies, for instance a reaction specifically to can f 5 (found in unneutered male dogs), or reduced reactions to certain breeds after 15 to 20 minutes’ exposure.


In addition to allergen testing and environmental controls around the home, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines, decongestants, corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers or immunotherapy, which while lengthy (three to five years on average) can help to lower allergic reactivity.

Ultimately while there is no such thing as a 100% allergen-free dog, there are ways to help reduce the risk of allergies. With some careful research and planning, dog ownership may still be possible, even if it involves the odd sneeze or sniffle.



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5 Benefits of Emotional Support Animals



5 Benefits of Emotional Support Animals

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Dogs Vets

An emotional support animal (ESA) is a companion animal that provides therapeutic benefits to individuals who suffer from a mental or emotional disability. Unlike service animals, ESAs do not require any specialized training and are not limited to specific tasks. Instead, they provide comfort, emotional support, and companionship to their owners.

If you have a dog that provides you with emotional support, registering them as an ESA is quite simple; all you have to do is get an official ESA letter through a service like Wellness Wag. With nearly 200,000 animals registered, we’re here to walk you through five of the most essential benefits of having one.


1. Companionship

Just like any pet, ESAs provide valuable companionship to their owners. However, the impact of this is even more profound for those with physical or mental disabilities. For example:

  • Individuals with anxiety disorders feel more at ease and secure when they have their ESA by their side.
  • People who suffer from depression find comfort in the unconditional love and affection that their ESA provides.
  • Older individuals or those with mobility issues may benefit from having a dog to provide physical and emotional support.
Pros and Cons of Owning a Dog as a Student

Not to mention, having a close bond with an animal can provide a sense of purpose and help individuals feel less lonely and isolated.


2. They positively impact physical and mental health

A recent study led by Dr. Janet Hoy-Gerlach at the University of Toledo provides empirical evidence that emotional support animals (ESAs) can significantly benefit individuals with serious mental illnesses. The study followed participants paired with shelter dogs or cats and found notable reductions in depression, anxiety, and loneliness after a 12-month period.

Researchers also observed increased levels of the bonding hormone oxytocin and decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol following interactions with the ESAs, suggesting biological benefits alongside emotional ones.

A survey by CertaPet supports these findings, indicating that individuals with ESAs report increased motivation, reduced anxiety, and fewer panic attacks. The survey also highlighted that ESAs can aid those suffering from conditions such as PTSD, phobias, and social anxiety​.

3. Waive expensive housing fees for your pets

If you have an official recommendation for your pet from a licensed medical or mental health professional, you can qualify for exemptions and waivers from pet fees charged in housing situations. This benefit is outlined in the Fair Housing Act (FHA).

To qualify, you’ll have to prove that your ESA provides emotional support and alleviates symptoms of your disability. In this situation, registering your dog can save you a considerable amount of money.

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4. They give you a routine

If you’ve been looking for something that can help you stick to a set schedule, a dog can be your new best friend! Dogs need regular walks, feeding times, and play sessions, which can help you structure your days and keep you accountable. Having a routine can help individuals with mental health conditions establish stability and feel more in control of their lives.

5. You only have to do it once

ESA registration lasts for the animal’s entire lifetime. Once you register your dog, they will be recognized as an ESA with no expiration date. However, you should still double-check before traveling or moving with your ESA to a different state, as ESA laws vary from state to state.


Overall, registering your dog as an ESA can bring numerous benefits and provide you with a sense of comfort, especially if you suffer from a disability. Whether it’s through companionship, improved mental and physical health, waived pet fees, or a structured routine, having an ESA can greatly improve your quality of life.




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Dog Care Advice

How to Calm a Restless Dog at Night



How to Calm a Restless Dog at Night

Last Updated on June 13, 2024 by Dogs Vets

Dogs are often referred to as a man’s most loyal friend. They bring you joy in ways no one else can. But how do we take care of them? What to feed them? How to calm a restless dog at night? These are some very common questions that dog parents often have. 

Well, there are multiple ways to help your dog overcome its restlessness. These include making it exercise, giving it a little treat, massaging its back, and giving it CBD.

Understanding how to calm your dog down is vital, especially at night. These simple methods can greatly improve your pet’s mental health. 


Why Do Dogs Get Restless?

There can be multiple reasons why your dog might feel this emotion, especially at night. 

Your dog may be feeling some sort of fear. It is very important for a pet to feel that he or she is in a safe environment and can go to sleep without any worries. This generally happens if your dog recently had a scary encounter.

how to calm a Restless Dog at Night

Often, dogs are seen panting only to cool themselves down a bit. So, the temperature at which your pet is located also determines its restlessness. But this painting can sometimes signify something more serious than mere heat.

Another reason your dog might feel restless is boredom or uncomfortable aches. 

Calming your dog down cannot always be easy. Are you not sure how to calm a restless dog at night? Don’t worry; we have you covered!

Pros and Cons of Owning a Dog as a Student

CBD for pets by Weedness offers high-quality CBD oils to enhance your pet’s well-being. Benefits include reduced stress, improved joint function, and overall health. Suitable for dogs and cats, these oils are easy to administer and can be mixed with food. Consult a vet for proper dosage.


There are other ways to tackle this issue; let’s discuss them: 

Give a Treat

Treats are always a dog’s best friend. A bedtime snack is always a good option. These small chunks are what make them happy and wiggle their tail.

Your pet will look forward to a snack before bed every night. But don’t try to overcompensate with these treats. Make sure to give them a limit. Your pet should continue valuing those snacks.

Safe Sleeping Environment

Your dog might get anxious at night because it feels unsafe in bed. Your dog must have a fixed place to sleep every night, and a change of bed or room all the time can lead to anxiety for pets. 

Dog sleeping at Night

Be around your dog as they sleep; this makes them feel safe. It also affects their sleeping pattern, which has a direct impact on their restlessness.



Being physically active and exercising is as important for dogs as it is for any other human. Your dog must be active during the day to drain their energy and be tired and lazy by the night. 

Take them for regular walks, play with them, and make them play with their toys!

Be Around Your Pet

As pet parents, you must ensure your dog is not alone for too long at a stretch. This way, they end up feeling lonely and might develop separation anxiety. 

When you are around them, they feel safe; they know that no harm can be caused. Be around them as they sleep at night. You can simply set their bed up in the same room as yours, making them feel comfortable and safe. 

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Do you love massages? Are they hug stress relievers for you? Well, dogs have more similarities to humans than you can imagine. They love getting massages as much as you do. Massages play a major role in helping them get over their restless emotions. 

Even a ten-minute massage before bed can do wonders for them. Start with the neck and then find your way down.

Make sure to remember that ling strokes are their favorite!


Bathroom Before Bed

A dog might feel extremely anxious if it doesn’t go to the bathroom before bed. Hence, before it starts feeling like it has to go out, you should ensure it already does that before bed. 

This helps them sleep faster and avoid bad dreams.

Same Routine

A regular change in your dog’s routine can be a huge reason for his or her restlessness. Try to keep the dog’s meal timing, bathroom time, and playtime the same every day. Regularly changing the dog’s schedule makes each day unpredictable.

Sticking to the same routine will help them get used to it and know what’s to come next. They should also know their sleep time in advance to avoid nighttime restlessness.


If none of these methods work well for your dog, you might want to consult a vet. Dogs can sometimes develop anxiety issues like humans, which might have to be treated medically. 

Your vet might prescribe the pet a medication that has to be given every night before bed. 

But, this is generally for older dogs or dogs with specially-abled dogs. Or, it could be because your dog is feeling some physical pain, for which, again, you might have to consult the vet and start your pet’s medication.

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Why is my dog restless at night all of a sudden?

There can be multiple reasons why your dog might be feeling restless at night. They could be scared of something, have had a bad dream, or be sick. 

How do I get my dog to stop pacing at night?

The best way to do this is to have a similar routine for the dog every day. Get them used to it so they know what’s next. They should know when they are up for a walk or bedtime.

Why is my dog not comfortable at night?

The most common reasons why a dog might not feel comfortable at night are anxiety, restlessness, dementia, joint pain, etc.

What time should dogs go to bed?

There is no hard and fast rule about when a dog should go to bed. However, it has a similar day pattern, which is more important. Generally, pet owners get their dogs to sleep between 9 p.m. and midnight.


Dogs are as much living creatures as humans are. They face similar emotions as you do. It is very common for dogs to get restless during the night time. Hence, learning to calm a restless dog at night is vital for pet parents. It can be done easily by simply giving them extra time during the night. 

However, they might only need medical aid to control their restless behavior under certain special circumstances. It is usually nothing to worry about, but it is always good to take precautions.



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