Remote Work As a Working Model of the Future

Remote Work As a Working Model of the Future

Last Updated on November 7, 2023 by Dogs Vets

Remote Work As a Working Model of the Future

The COVID-19 pandemic changed how big brands such as mr bet casino online, Nike, Microsoft, Upwork, Amazon, Apple, CoinBase and many more operate.

It fast-tracked existing business models, forcing companies to accelerate initiatives that in the past seemed doomed to the “we will implement them at the right time” pile. While there were many models then, one that stood out from the rest was remote work.

Since its adoption and integration into the work environment, this flexible way of working has become quite common and has transformed the office from a necessity of business into an optional tool.

Reports published online show support for this workplace transition by both employees and organizations. In fact, surveys indicate that almost half (49%) of organizations will continue harboring some form of remote work in the coming years.

So, What Types of Remote Work Are Available?

The best type of remote model for any business is one that is developed by exploiting challenging assumptions and possibilities and experimenting with different models.

Once identified, the model can be repeated over and over again so that it adapts to changing business environments and talent demands.

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Overall, five (5) types of remote models have been developed so far. Here’s a quick overview of each model, plus the advantages they offer.

Remote First Model

This type of model is the ultimate in remote work in the sense that everyone, including the CEO of the organization, works 100% remotely.

Although staff don’t have to report to a central office every day, organizations tend to keep some office space open just in case. The remote first model has several outstanding advantages.

  1. It levels the playing field for the employees. This especially helps those who didn’t feel included when working on-site.
  2. Increases diversity and innovation with significant opportunities to hire a workforce with different experiences, backgrounds, expertise.
  3. Expand the organization’s talent pool since it is no longer geographically limited. One can live in the United States and work for a company based in China.
  4. It reduces the overhead by eliminating or shrinking office space. It also reduces the company’s budget since people are able to hire from cities with a lower cost of living, hence a low wage bill.


Remote-friendly organizations expect their employees to work in offices daily, although their leaders are open to making exceptions. The exception is usually made to attract top talent, who dictate they must be allowed to work remotely.

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This type of working model favors the organization in two ways;

  1. It helps the organization attract and retain top talent
  2. Because of such talent, the company/organization is able to increase its revenue.

Remote by Role

This model may apply to individuals or entire teams based on their geographical location, level of experience, or job function. For instance, an organization could easily structure the entire support team to work remotely.

It can also decide to offer the option to all employees at the director level and above. This type of model offers several advantages including the following.

  1. It reduces the overhead costs since only a few people work in the office. Big organizations can also decide to work in smaller spaces
  2. The company can choose to only retain employees who are more experienced and needed at the office.

Remote by Day

Executing this type of remote working can be tricky. Some organizations experiment with having the entire office work remotely on specified days. It could be every Monday and Wednesday. Some decide to divide remote work by group.

This way, the entire office doesn’t remain empty. For example, they can have one team work remotely every Thursday and Friday while another works on Monday and Tuesday.

Remote by day offers a few advantages. These include:

  1. Helps in employee retention
  2. Offers remote work flexibly to every employee.
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Remote for Now

When COVID was officially declared a pandemic and people had to stay at home, many businesses transitioned most of their employees to work from home.

This approach was used based on the “we’ll do this for now, and after things resume to normal, we will have them back to the office.” Many organizations that used this approach benefited mostly because their businesses weren’t disrupted, and their employees remained safe and healthy.

Is Remote Work Here to Stay?

The simple answer is yes! Remote work had started gaining traction long before the COVID-19 pandemic came.

Organizations and employees only came to accept it when it became a reality they could not leave their homes for work during the lockdown. And after two years of experiencing the advantages different types of remote working offer, employees and organizations are hooked.

Remote work has enabled organizations to operate with more efficiency, enabling them to hire the right type of workforce picked from a global pool of talent.

Instead of trying to work with what is available, businesses can build dream teams as soon as they are required by bringing in specialists. Working remotely also removes geographical boundaries as far as hiring is concerned.

When it doesn’t matter the physical location of your employee, it is easy to get the right fit for the job.