Seattle dog Eclipse, who had mastered the art of riding the bus, passed away.

Seattle dog Eclipse

Last Updated on October 16, 2022 by Dogs Vets

The Seattle dog Eclipse, who had mastered the art of riding the bus on her own, passed away. 


A world-famous Labrador mix from Seattle who was known for riding the bus to and from the dog park on her own using a special pass that was given to her by adoring locals has died of cancer at the age of ten.

Eclipse passed away peacefully in her sleep on Friday morning at the age of ten, just a few days after she disclosed to her devoted following that her veterinarian had discovered cancerous tumors.

Eclipse, a dog from Seattle who had learned to ride the bus by himself, passed away.

According to the official Twitter account of the King County Metro, the dog received the following message:

“You brought joy and happiness to everyone and showed us all that good dogs belong on the bus.”

Eclipse, a dog who gained notoriety for becoming the first dog in Seattle to ride the bus by herself, has passed away.

Because the dog rode the bus so frequently, the King County Metro decided to give her a permanent bus pass that she could keep attached to her collar.

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Seattle dog Eclipse

It was confirmed that she had passed away when the official Twitter account of the King County Metro shared a photo of Eclipse in what appeared to be a dog park with their followers.

On Friday, October 14, the account shared the following statement: “Eclipse was a super sweet, world-famous, bus-riding dog and true Seattle icon.

” You made everyone happy and brought joy to everyone, and you showed us all that good dogs should be allowed on the bus.

“May you finally find rest, Eclipse,” they added. “We are grateful that you have provided us with so many reasons to laugh.”

Eclipse’s official Facebook page also confirmed her passing on Friday, saying that she “passed in her sleep about 7 this morning.” This news comes just two days after the page revealed that Eclipse was afflicted with “cancerous tumors.”


Eclipse rose to fame in the community in 2015 after she was observed riding the bus all by herself to a dog park in the immediate vicinity.

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When Eclipse went on previous trips with her owner, Jeff Young, she was able to pick up the skills necessary to ride the D-Line all by herself.

Eclipse’s first journey began when Young took too long to finish a cigarette outside of his Queen Anne apartment. As a result, Eclipse boarded the bus ahead of Young so that she could travel without him.

Eclipse boarded the bus ahead
Eclipse the dog, boarded the bus ahead

Young followed closely behind the black Labrador-mastiff mix as it made its way to Belltown from the beginning of its journey.

Since that time, she has independently visited the park on multiple occasions, and the local bus drivers have even begun to recognize the dog whenever she boards the vehicle.

Young stated in an interview with TODAY in 2015 that “people on the bus, now, they look for her.” “She absolutely brightens their day… When I go somewhere without her, people just say “Hi” to me. Where can I find Eclipse?'”

KIRO 7, an affiliate of NBC, reports that Eclipse would even have her very own bus pass attached to her collar.

Young’s girlfriend Lauren Campbell stated in an interview with TODAY in 2015 that “she gets along with everyone, and she smiles.” “That is a really unique smile, and it’s really endearing,” I said.

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On the D-line bus, the black lab-mastiff mix could frequently be seen wandering the aisles and sitting in the seats as if it were a human passenger.

The dog would be showered with attention from other passengers, all of whom took pleasure in the company of their fellow commuter.

“Every single bus driver has heard of her. In 2015, a commuting passenger named Tiona Rainwater told KOMO that “she sits here just like a person does.” “She is the reason for everyone’s joy.” How could you possibly despise something so beautiful?

A great number of Eclipse’s supporters and fans on Facebook and twitter have expressed their sorrow.

A memorial essay was also penned by the King County Metro for the dog.

‘It has come to our attention that Eclipse has passed away. She was a well-known figure in Seattle. Our deepest condolences go out to her from everyone here at Metro; she will be dearly missed.

Seattle dog Eclipse pass away

Eclipse pass away




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