How to Stop a Dog From Pooping Inside – 5 Thing You Need to Know

How to Stop a Dog From Pooping Inside

Last Updated on September 18, 2022 by Dogs Vets

How to Stop a Dog From Pooping Inside


The best way to teach a dog not to poop inside the house is to get it outside as much as possible.

Dogs need lots of exercise and movement in order to keep their brains healthy and happy.

Keep your dog active by taking him for walks or rewarding him with treats. Then, once your dog learns to poop outdoors on time, it will poop in the right place every time.

However, if he decides to poop indoors, don’t punish him or her, but clean up the messes.


Using verbal cues

If you want to prevent your dog from pooping inside, you must first stop the defecation behavior. Do not punish the dog or yell at it.

If this doesn’t work, you can also visit the veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions that may be causing the problem.

A veterinarian can also prescribe the right medications for your dog.

Verbal cues to stop a dog from pooping inside can be used in conjunction with other training techniques.

Once the dog finally poops in the designated place, reinforce the behavior by giving it a treat or gentle praise. A reward should be given immediately.

The dog will associate the behavior with the positive and will continue to associate the reward with the good behavior.

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The more often you reward the dog’s correct behavior, the less likely it is to have an accident inside the house.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to prevent future accidents inside the home.


Treating a dog like a puppy

One of the first steps in curbing your dog’s inside accidents is to take him outside as often as possible. Then, whenever he shows signs of pooping, immediately take him outside, praise him and reward him.

If you have a puppy, take him outside every hour, or more frequently, depending on his age. It’s also a good idea to take him for a walk, which increases the chances of him eliminating outdoors.

If you notice your dog peeing inside more than usual, you should investigate the causes of indoor accidents. Your dog may be responding to a change in his environment, like a new neighbour, a loud noise from the street, or something else that is scary.

Whatever the reason, you should take steps to calm your dog and reduce his stress. If your dog is prone to accidents indoors, give him plenty of praise and attention.


Using substrate preference

Dogs have an instinctive preference for a certain surface when they need to eliminate.

Concrete is easily noticeable while grass is usually partially hidden. But a puppy may prefer a carpeted floor or its familiar surroundings.

You can help your puppy learn that poop should go outside by providing safe areas. This is called substrate preference. In this article, I’ll explain why dogs have this instinct, and how you can use it to stop them from pooping inside.

A dog that prefers a concrete surface can be trained to eliminate on grass.

Dogs are creatures of habit and can develop rituals in which they wait for their meals.

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If you give your dog a grassy surface, it may not feel safe doing so. And a dog living in an urban environment probably has limited access to grass, which is why you should give it the choice of where to relieve itself.


Using a crate

If your dog is using the crate as a “pooping box,” there are several ways to discourage this behavior. Before introducing your puppy to the crate, be sure to have him checked by a veterinarian. Then, introduce a new type of bedding and a bowl.

When introducing new bedding, be sure to keep the door open to discourage your dog from using the crate as a “pooping box.” During this process, introduce the crate with fresh bedding.

Some puppies will naturally associate crate bedding with no-poop zones. For this reason, you may need to adjust the bedding based on your pup’s individual needs.

You may also want to set a feeding schedule for your puppy so he knows when it’s time for a potty break. You can even use a baby monitor to hear him at night.


Using a crate as a toilet

A dog’s crate can serve as a toilet when it’s not allowed to go outside. The dog will feel more comfortable going potty in a crate if the scent of the previous stools is familiar to it.

To train a dog to go outside only, you must bring the crate outside for about fifteen minutes every day. Then, when your pet has finished going outside, go out and let him relieve himself in the yard.

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You can use an enzyme-based cleaner to clean the crate, which will eliminate the odor. This cleaner destroys the protein molecules found in the dog’s feces and urine.

Failure to do so may cause the dog to continue to use the crate as a bathroom. It’s also a good idea to remove any bedding from the crate when your dog decides to go to the bathroom.


Using a crate as a poop

Before you consider using a crate as a poo-stopper for your dog, make sure your dog does not have a medical issue that could cause accidents in his kennel.

Some medical issues that cause frequent accidents include diarrhea and bladder infections. Also, be sure your dog is not taking medications that increase the frequency of elimination.

Lastly, it is important to check your dog’s diet before using a crate for potty training.

A crate is not always a good idea because some dogs don’t like being in it for very long. Crate training your dog should be started at a young age and gradually increased as your pup becomes more accustomed to the crate.

If your pup starts to cry during crate training, you may need to increase the duration of the crate time.


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