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Keep Your Cat Stay Hydrated With Laika Pets Automatic Cat Water Fountain



Keep Your Cat Stay Hydrated With Laika Pets Automatic Cat Water Fountain

Last Updated on November 22, 2021 by Dogs Vets

Keep Your Cat Stay Hydrated With Laika Pets Automatic Cat Water Fountain


Check out the launched Laika pets automatic cat water fountain recently. Large capacity, ultra-quiet and UV sterilization function really make me feel pleasantly surprised.


Water Intake in Cats

One of the best things you can do for your cat that keep them hydrated always. Cats love fresh water, and a good way to keep their water fresh and enticing is to get them a fountain that they enjoy.

One good solution that suitable for all cats is the cat water fountain. This is a fun option that provides free-flowing streams that entices your cat far more than stagnant bowls.

Although, as a desert resident, cats are not programmed to drink large amounts of water, but that’s more reason they stand the risk of dehydration. Water is essentially important for digestion, normal metabolic health, and energy.

When your feline friend is dehydrated, however, they are often plagued with certain health conditions, including kidney disease, urinary tract infection, and renal failure.

Hence, you need to take control of your cat’s water intake. Even if you have a busy routine, you need to do what it takes to ensure your kitty is imbibing enough water.

If you’ve ever allowed your cat access to the water running out of the faucet, you will notice how they naturally love to drink from this water fountain compared to water in a bowl or dish. But you don’t have to allow water trickle down your faucet all day.

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Instead, you can get your cat auto drinking fountain. If automatic pet water fountain with a large capacity fountain that serves pets of all sizes for a long time. It mimics springs as it bubbles, inviting your cat to drink.

Dehydration in Cats

As we’ve mentioned earlier, cats need an adequate amount of water to maintain their health. The dessert dwellers obtain water from the moisture content in their food, including preys like birds, insects, and rodents.

However, your domestic cat feeds on a different diet, and they often get water in wet food or delivered in a bowl. This puts them at risk of dehydration most times.

That said, cats can concentrate their urine, surviving on smaller quantities of water. They don’t feel the need to drink water very often as they have a low thirst drive. And when a cat is dehydrated, you may not know until it leads to a problem.

Dehydration can cause urinary diseases and bladder problems in cats. Also, dehydration can cause conditions such as tumors, bladder inflammation (cystitis), stones, and ruptured bladder. Bladder stones can lead to urethral blockage, which can be life-threatening, especially in male cats.

But the good part is that there are some easy ways to tell if a cat is dehydrated. One of the best test is pinch and gently pull your cat’s skin. If it returns to its normal position, then your cat is probably dehydrated.

Other signs to watch out for include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Sunken eyes
  • Panting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Depression
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased lethargy
Cat Water Fountains Are The New Direction Toward Hygiene


Laika Pets Cat Fountain Keeping Your Cat Hydrated

Even though cats get moisture from wet food, they should still get enough amount of fresh water available at all times. The laika pets aqua cat water fountain is a good way to keep your cat hydrated and prevent dehydration.

This device encourages your cat to enjoy a healthy supply of fresh water for a long time.

Apart from encouraging your cat to drink more fresh water, pet drinking fountain is a good investment for other reasons, including:

  • When cycle the water continually through a quadruple filtration system and UV Germicidal light, which hinders bacterial growth and filter out hair debris and other dirt. This ensures that your cat drink the cleanest and sanitary water.
  • Cat fountain entice cats to increase their water intake, thereby, reducing their risk of urinary or kidney diseases.
  • Using the cat drinking fountain will not oblige you to leave your tap water dripping or replace your cat’s water dish every day.
  • Offering bigger water volume, which can serve well even when you have several cats at home. You won’t have to worry about running out of water.
  • You can serve your cat efficiently if you are the type that travels frequently for work.


What other Feature makes the auto cat water fountain an amazing option for your cat?



Choosing drinking fountain for cats that is easy to clean. If the water pump is integrated and the product comes with a separate case. It will makes it easy to remove the cat water tank and clean properly. You don’t need any tool to disassemble it. And you just need to rinse it with water.

Ultra-Quiet Operation

A lot of cat owners worry about noise when using cat fountain, especially at night when they have to keep their feline friend close to them in their bedroom. But quiet cat water fountain is lower than 29DB Ultra-quiet and it is lower than cat hearing during operation. This makes it suitable for bedroom use during sleeptime.

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Large Capacity

The large (91oz/2.7L )reservoir of this water can provide your cat with fresh water for as long as months. The filtration system keeps the water fresh for a long time, however, the water can be changed sooner.

Despite, the size of the water fountain, it takes up very little floor space, so it can fit perfectly into all types of room.

Water Sterilization

If the Cat fountain has ultraviolet germicidal lamps. This helps to clean the water thoroughly and make your cat safer. This will be our biggest consideration when choosing a cat drinking fountain

If you’re considering where to get the cat water fountain, Laika pets automatic cat water fountain is your best bet. You can get this fountain to provide your cat with a large volume of filtered, fresh, and clean water that can last them for a long time, even when you are away.


In a short

The water dispenser of laika pets is very attractive and beautiful in design. Let your cat fall in love with drinking water is our biggest wish. And the mute effect of laika pets aqua fountain is also extreme. Click the Laika pets website to learn more…..




We hope you enjoyed this article… What are your thoughts on Keeping Your Cat Stay Hydrated With Laika Pets Automatic Cat Water Fountain?


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Animal Care

DIY Cat Enrichment Games on a Budget: Unleash Your Feline’s Inner Hunter (Without Breaking the Bank!)



DIY Cat Enrichment Games on a Budget: Unleash Your Feline's Inner Hunter (Without Breaking the Bank!)
DIY Cat Enrichment Games on a Budget: Unleash Your Feline's Inner Hunter (Without Breaking the Bank!)

Last Updated on June 10, 2024 by Dog Lover

DIY Cat Enrichment Games on a Budget: Unleash Your Feline’s Inner Hunter (Without Breaking the Bank!)

Let’s face it, our feline companions are masters of entertainment. From gravity-defying leaps to sunbeam snoozes, their antics can keep us endlessly amused.

But what about when those playful nips turn into furniture shredding or that persistent meow morphs into a destructive frenzy? Enter the wonderful world of DIY cat enrichment games!

These homemade delights are a fantastic way to keep your whiskered wonder engaged, mentally stimulated, and out of mischief – all without leaving a dent in your wallet.

So, unleash your inner crafter and get ready to tap into your cat’s natural instincts with these purr-fectly fun ideas!

Hunting Games:

Cats are born hunters, and stimulating their predatory instincts is key to keeping them happy and healthy.

Here are some DIY games to ignite your kitty’s inner lion:

  • The Crumpled Paper Caper: We all have scrap paper lying around. Crumple up a few sheets of newspaper or printer paper and scatter them across the floor. Watch your feline friend stalk, pounce, and bat this free entertainment with glee!

  • The Cardboard Box Conundrum: Cardboard boxes are a universal symbol of feline joy, and for good reason! They provide a safe haven for napping, a scratching haven for manicures, and a surprise attack post when strategically positioned. Cut holes of various sizes for your cat to peek through and swat at hidden “prey” (think feathery toys or jingle balls).

  • The Wand of Wonder: Channel your inner magician with this enchanting creation! Simply tie a feather, pipe cleaner with dangling ribbons, or a crinkly toy to the end of a dowel rod or sturdy stick. This feathery lure will ignite your cat’s hunting instincts, providing endless opportunities for stalking, leaping, and batting practice.

Cat Water Fountains Are The New Direction Toward Hygiene

Foraging Fun:

Mimicking natural foraging behaviors keeps cats mentally stimulated and prevents boredom.

Here are some DIY games to satisfy your cat’s inner explorer:

  • The Muffin Tin Maze: Upcycle an old muffin tin by placing ping pong balls or crumpled up paper balls in each compartment. Hide treats like catnip or kibble underneath – the challenge of uncovering these treasures will keep your cat occupied for playtime!

  • The Hidden Treasure Hunt: Cats love a good mystery! Hide small treats or catnip-filled toys around the house, under furniture, or in paper bags. Let your cat sniff them out – the reward at the end of the hunt will be pure satisfaction!

Feline DIY Enrichment | ASPCA

Scratching and Climbing Delights:

Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, both for maintaining healthy claws and for stress relief.

Here are some DIY solutions to keep your kitty’s claws off your furniture:

  • The Cardboard Cat Castle: Cardboard boxes reign supreme once again! Stack and connect multiple boxes with tape (be sure to remove any staples or lids first) to create a multi-level scratching haven. Add holes for peeking and tunnels for exploring – your cat will be scratching and climbing with endless enthusiasm.

  • The Sisal Scratching Post: Sisal rope is a cat’s dream come true! Wrap an old chair leg, stool leg, or even a sturdy cardboard tube in sisal rope, securing it tightly with hot glue. This DIY scratching post is a budget-friendly alternative to store-bought options, and your cat will love the texture for sharpening their claws.

Important Safety Considerations:

  • Always supervise your cat during playtime with DIY toys.
  • Remove any small parts or attachments that could be choking hazards.
  • Replace any DIY toys that become damaged or worn to prevent injuries.
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These are just a few ideas to get you started. Get creative, use what you have around the house, and most importantly, observe your cat’s preferences. Some cats may go wild for feathery wands, while others might be more captivated by the crinkle of paper.

Unleash Your Creativity and Have Fun!

Enrichment doesn’t have to be expensive. With a little imagination and some readily available materials, you can create a world of entertainment for your feline friend.

So, put on your crafting cap, grab your catnip stash, and get ready to watch your cat unleash their playful side!


How often should I play enrichment games with my cat?

Aim for at least two short play sessions per day. This will help keep your cat mentally stimulated and prevent boredom-induced mischief.

My cat seems uninterested in the DIY toys. What should I do?

Don’t despair! Cats have individual preferences. Try introducing new scents like catnip or sprinkle some kibble on the toys

Is it okay to use commercial cat toys alongside DIY toys?

Absolutely! A variety of toys keeps things interesting for your cat and caters to their different play styles. Commercial toys often have built-in features like rattling sounds, interactive elements, or even built-in catnip, which can add another layer of excitement.

 What if I don’t have time for long play sessions?

Even short bursts of playtime are beneficial. A five-minute session with a feathery wand or a quick round of “find the treat” can go a long way in keeping your cat engaged.

Can I use food puzzles as enrichment?

Food puzzles are fantastic enrichment tools! They challenge your cat’s problem-solving skills as they work to retrieve kibble or treats. This mental stimulation is not only rewarding but also helps prevent boredom-related behavioral issues.

 Are there any safety concerns with using cardboard boxes for cat enrichment?

Cardboard boxes are generally safe, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Remove any staples, lids, or sharp edges that could cause injury. Also, monitor your cat’s interaction with the box. If they start to shred it excessively, it’s time to replace it to prevent them from ingesting large pieces of cardboard.

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How can I encourage my cat to use the scratching post instead of my furniture?

Make the scratching post more appealing! Sprinkle some catnip on the sisal rope, or dangle a feathery toy near the post to entice your cat to explore it. You can also place the scratching post in a high-traffic area where your cat likes to lounge or stretch. The more they see it, the more likely they are to use it.

Feline DIY Enrichment | ASPCA


DIY cat enrichment games are a purr-fect way to keep your feline friend happy, healthy, and entertained. By stimulating their natural instincts and providing them with mental and physical challenges, you can create a stronger bond with your cat and prevent boredom-induced behavioral problems.

So, unleash your creativity, gather some household items, and get ready to witness the joy of watching your cat play!

Remember: A happy cat is a well-enriched cat. With a little effort and these DIY ideas, you can provide your furry companion with a world of entertainment and keep them living their best nine lives!

Reference Links:

here are some reference links to enhance your DIY cat enrichment experience:

  • American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA): This website provides a wealth of information on feline enrichment, including tips on creating homemade toys and choosing commercially available options.
  • The Humane Society of the United States: This website offers a comprehensive guide to cat scratching, including advice on deterring scratching on furniture and encouraging the use of scratching posts.
  • Kitten Lady: This website is a treasure trove of kitten and cat care information, including DIY enrichment ideas specifically designed for kittens.
  • Catster: Packed with fun and informative articles, Catster offers creative DIY cat enrichment projects that are sure to spark your imagination.
  • JACKSON Galaxy Website: Feline behaviorist Jackson Galaxy’s website provides expert insights on cat enrichment, including tips on identifying your cat’s play preferences and creating a stimulating environment.
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Mr. Biscuits Enjoys Cat-Friendly ‘Cocktails’ with His Family



Mr. Biscuits Enjoys Cat-Friendly 'Cocktails' with His Family
Mr. Biscuits Enjoys Cat-Friendly 'Cocktails' with His Family

Last Updated on May 13, 2024 by Dog Lover

Mr. Biscuits Enjoys Cat-Friendly ‘Cocktails’ with His Family

Jess and John, a couple in Chicago, have a small business where homemade, natural mixed drinks and happy hour are a top priority. This passion extends to their home, where they live with their cat Mr. Biscuits.

The fluffy three-legged cat is constantly nearby when the couple enjoys their nightly Martinis. One day, they got the idea to get Mr. Biscuits his own tiny Martini glass and shaker.

After a trip to the thrift store searching for something fitting and elegant in miniature, John set out to develop healthy recipes for his cat.

Cat Loves His Nighly Happy Hour with His Own Cat-Friendly Cocktails and Martinis, 2

Cat-Friendly Cocktails and Martinis

John explains on the Kelly Clarkson Show that the recipe includes the cat’s favorite “disgusting salmon paste” diluted in water and “shaken over ice.” With these drinks, they’re also helping Mr. Biscuits stay well-hydrated, as cats need about 4 ounces of water per day per 5 pounds of body weight.

“He absolutely loves it!” John says about the cat cocktail. Meanwhile, John has created more recipes using enticing ingredients like tuna juice garnished with catnip. The couple even came up with amusing names for the drinks like “The Catmopolitan” and “the Tunatini.”

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Cat Loves His Nighly Happy Hour with His Own Cat-Friendly Cocktails and Martinis, 3

Mr. Biscuits Loses His ‘Tiny Mind’ Over Cocktails and Martinis

The couple shares many videos about sharing Happy Hour with Mr. Biscuits on his dedicated social media page. The cat now expects his special drink and sprints down the hall whenever he hears the clinking of the tiny shaker.“When you wake up one day and realize your whole life revolves around making your cat cocktails,” they share.

“We live to serve Mr. Biscuits.”After each sip, the cat continues licking the tiny vintage glass and shaker. Recently, they’ve been trying more recipes, including watered-down tuna and salmon Go-Gurt.
“Mr. B’s fav martini is 2 oz water and 1 oz liquid treat (the cat Go-Gurt thing) shaken over ice! 🤢 He loses his tiny mind over the tuna and salmon flavor, 😂,” they share.The comments on Mr. Biscuits’ posts are hilarious, with hundreds of people chiming in.
You can see more of Mr. Biscuits the Tripod on his Instagram page.
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Unveiling the Cost of the Ashera Cat: So You Want to Own a Piece of Luxury



Unveiling the Cost of the Ashera Cat

Last Updated on April 23, 2024 by Dog Lover

 Unveiling the Cost of the Ashera Cat: So You Want to Own a Piece of Luxury

Ever dreamt of cuddling a leopard-spotted feline with the temperament of a loyal dog?

Then the Ashera cat might just be your cup of tea (or, perhaps, caviar). But before you get swept away by visions of this majestic creature gracing your living room, there’s one crucial detail to consider: the Ashera cat price.

This isn’t your average house kitty. The Ashera is an incredibly rare and luxurious breed, boasting a price tag that could rival a high-end sports car.

So, how much does an Ashera cat cost? Buckle up, cat enthusiasts, because we’re about to delve into the fascinating – and sometimes controversial – world of Ashera ownership.

Hold on, Isn’t There a Debate About Ashera Cats?

Ah, yes, the plot thickens! The Ashera’s origin story is shrouded in a bit of mystery. Initially introduced by Lifestyle Pets in the late 2000s, they were claimed to be a hybrid between a Serval, an Asian Leopard cat, and a domestic cat.

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This exotic lineage, coupled with their striking appearance, fueled their sky-high price tag.

However, some DNA tests cast doubt on this origin story. Critics argue that Asheras are simply a variation of the Savannah cat breed, another exotic feline with a hefty price tag.

Regardless of their exact lineage, there’s no denying the Ashera’s allure and the hefty price tag that comes with it.

Breaking Down the Ashera Cat Price

Now, let’s get down to brass tacks. While there’s no one definitive answer to the question of “how much is an Ashera cat,” we can provide a ballpark figure: between $15,000 and $125,000. Yes, you read that right.

The vast price range reflects several factors, including:

  • Breeder Reputation: As with any luxury item, the breeder’s reputation plays a significant role. Well-established breeders with a proven track record might command a higher price.
  • Cat’s Coat Pattern: Believe it or not, some Ashera coat patterns are considered rarer than others. This can influence the final price.
  • Age and Health: Kittens typically cost more than adult Asheras. Additionally, a cat’s overall health and any certifications (like disease-free screenings) can affect the price.

It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature | Savannah cat, Ashera cat, Savannah  chat

Beyond the Initial Cost: Factoring in Ongoing Expenses

Owning an Ashera cat is a significant commitment, not just financially but also in terms of lifestyle.

Here are some additional expenses to consider:

  • Food: These big cats require a specialized diet, often consisting of high-quality raw meat.
  • Veterinary Care: Regular vet checkups and potential breed-specific health concerns can add up.
  • Large Enclosure: Ashera cats are active and need plenty of space to climb and explore. Factor in the cost of creating a cat-friendly environment.
  • Specialized Toys: Keeping your Ashera mentally and physically stimulated requires investing in durable, engaging toys.
How Much Does a Savannah Cat Cost? Guide 2024

Ashera Cat: Pictures, Info, Characteristics & Facts | Hepper

Is an Ashera Cat Right for You?

Before you get swept away by the Ashera’s undeniable charm, it’s crucial to consider your lifestyle.

These cats are not for the faint of heart. Here are some essential questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have the financial resources to cover the initial cost and ongoing expenses?
  • Do you have the time and space to provide an enriching environment for a large, active cat?
  • Are you prepared for the commitment of caring for an exotic feline with potentially unique needs?

If you can answer these questions with a resounding “yes,” then an Ashera cat might just be the purrfect addition to your life.

But if you’re on a budget or crave a low-maintenance cuddle buddy, there are plenty of wonderful rescue cats waiting for their forever homes.

Exploring Alternatives: The Wonderful World of Rescue Cats

Let’s face it, not everyone can afford (or handle) the responsibility of an Ashera cat. The good news?

There are countless amazing cats waiting for loving homes in shelters and rescue organizations. These cats come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities, and you might just find your perfect feline companion without breaking the bank.


The Ashera cat is a truly unique and captivating breed. However, their rarity and luxurious status come at a hefty price.

Before diving headfirst into Ashera ownership, carefully consider your budget, lifestyle, and commitment level. Remember, a loving cat, regardless of breed, can enrich your life in countless ways.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Ashera Cats

Now that we’ve explored the world of Ashera cats, you might still have some lingering questions.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to shed some light on these fascinating felines:

What Type of Carrier Do Cats Prefer?

Are Ashera Cats Legal to Own?

The legality of Ashera cat ownership varies depending on your location. Some regions have restrictions on owning exotic pets due to potential safety concerns or ecological risks. It’s crucial to research your local regulations before considering acquiring an Ashera cat.

What are the Temperament Traits of Ashera Cats?

Despite their wild appearance, Ashera cats are known for their friendly and social personalities. They often bond strongly with their humans and enjoy playtime and interaction. However, their intelligence and active nature require owners to provide ample stimulation and enrichment.

How Big Do Ashera Cats Get?

Ashera cats are one of the largest domestic cat breeds. They can reach a shoulder height of up to 18 inches and weigh between 25 and 30 pounds. Their impressive size necessitates a spacious living environment with plenty of vertical space for climbing.

What is the Lifespan of an Ashera Cat?

With proper care, Ashera cats can have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. Regular veterinary checkups, a healthy diet, and a stimulating environment are all crucial factors in promoting their longevity.

Are There Any Alternatives to Owning an Ashera Cat?

If the Ashera’s price tag or exotic nature gives you pause, fret not! The Savannah cat, their potential genetic relative, shares some physical similarities and boasts a playful personality. Additionally, exploring reputable cat shelters and rescue organizations can lead you to a loving feline companion who perfectly suits your lifestyle and budget.

Remember, adopting a cat from a shelter not only saves a life but also opens your heart to a world of unconditional love and companionship.

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