Stray Dog Gives Woman Sweetest Hug as He was Being Rescued
Stray Dog Gives Woman Sweetest Hug
Stray Dog Gives Woman Sweetest Hug: On a cold faithful rainy day, a little puppy by the named "Chowder"...
Top 21 most beautiful dog breeds in the world today
Most Beautiful Dog Breeds In The World
The love from a dogs can be unconditional. They are also extremely social, loyal, alert and also beautiful....
Dog Given Highest Animal Honor – Survived Gunfire in Afghanistan
Hero Dog Given Highest Animal Honor with Prosthetic Paws
A Hero dog given highest animal honor with prosthetic paws after surviving gunfire to save others. The
Four-year-old Belgian...
Hero dog risks life to save his cat friend kittens in burning building
Heroic dog risks life to save kittens in burning building
I'm not sure how the human community runs without the presence of paw companions. Not...
How to check puppy health before buying – 20 Things I Wish I Knew
Things I Wish I Knew Before buying a puppy online today!
Buying a puppy online
Buying a puppy online can be a very complex process, but...
Top 20 Black Mouth Cur German Shepherd Mix Dogs
Black Mouth Cur German Shepherd Mix
The black mouth cur shepherd mix dog has a distinctive black color that usually covers the lips and muzzle area,...
Top 15 interesting facts about The Pit Bull Border Collie Mix Dog
Everything you need to know about Pit Bull Border Collie Mix
If you're searching for a dog that's more smarter than your kids and twice...
Baby dog found protecting and lying on dead owner’s chest
When California resident by the name of Lisa Lomeli arrived at a shelter to meet a cattle dog named Baby Dog, Placer County Animal...
Woman rescues a lonely stray dog she had found on a beach
Woman in rescues Lonely stray dog
There are millions of stray dogs in Greece. Some of these dogs end up with good chances and are...
14 interesting facts about German Shepherd Poodle Mix (Shepadoodle)
The German Shepherd Poodle Mix (Shepadoodle)
The german shepherd poodle mix is also known as the "Shepadoodle" is a custom trending doodle dog, a mix...
Top 11 Interesting facts about Husky Corgi Mix, Puppies, Cost (Horgis)
All you need to know about The Husky Corgi Mix
The Husky Corgi Mix, known as the Horgi or Siborgi, is a cross between the...
Top 7 Interesting facts about the corgi golden retriever mix + Corgi Names
Facts About The Corgi Golden Retriever Mix + Corgi Names
The Corgi Golden Retriever Mix is known to be a cross between a Golden Retriever...