Last Updated on April 21, 2022 by Dogs Vets
Should You Accept a Rehomed Dog: A Guide to Help You Make the Right Decision
Many people are against the idea of rehoming a dog. They believe that it is not necessary, or that the dog will only be placed in more trouble.
However, there are many benefits to rehoming a dog. Dogs who are rehomed often find new homes much faster than dogs who are kept in traditional shelters.
Are rehomed dogs a good choice? Â A dog’s personality and your lifestyle will determine how well you rehome it, so there is no universal answer to that question.
Factors to Consider Before Accepting a Rehomed Dog
Ask about the dog’s energy, how much activity it gets currently, and how much you think it needs.
Consider whether or not you have adequate space for the dog. Some dogs such as German Shepherds, for example, need plenty of exercise and space while smaller dogs may not require as much room.
How well trained is the dog? Is the dog easy to walk? Does he understand basic commands such as sit and stay?
 Does the dog get along with other dogs or pets in your household as well as other family members?
 What is the dog’s medical history? Are there any pre-existing conditions that will cause you undue expense?
 Advantages of Rehoming
When compared to getting a new dog, rehoming a dog has several advantages.
 First, not only will you be providing a dog with a warm and safe place to stay, but you’ll also gain some valuable companionship.
 Second, you will also be helping to reduce the number of animals that end up in shelters.
 Third, rehoming organizations often put dogs through extensive screening before they’re placed in a new home, ensuring that only the most compatible animals are brought in.
Disadvantages of Rehoming
 There are some obvious disadvantages to accepting a rehomed dog into your home. They may have been in an animal shelter or rescue group and are therefore not used to being around people, they may be scared or anxious, and they may have been traumatized in their previous home.
Additionally, rehomed dogs may have behavioral issues that need to be addressed before they can become house pets.
 As an example, when my wife and I rehomed Sammy, a two-year-old Havanese, he was living with a single woman who bought him from an Amish puppy mill that mistreated its dogs. Because of this, the dog was fearful and suspicious of most men.
In advance of rehoming him, we did a test weekend where we took Sammy into our home along with two other havanese dogs (one male and one female).
 We also visited Sammy several times at the dog park with his owner.
 However, after he had been with us for about two weeks, he became aggressive and became too protective of my wife. He would growl at our other male Havanese and they would sometimes fight.Â
The tension reached a head when I came close to my wife and my other male dog when I walked into the bedroom (with the other dog, who follows me around).
When he growled at me and held his teeth, he was very intimidating since he weighed about 15-pounds at the time (now almost 20).Â
Several months of aggressive behavior later, and I was considering extreme measures such as shock collars and expensive training. But I finally found a solution.Â
You can read about the simple solution that solves his behavior problem it in our article on dog rehoming on our havanese breeders site. Â
How Stressful is it for a Dog to be Rehomed?
 A dog may feel sad, anxious, or scared after being rehomed. Symptoms of anxiety include excessive barking and whining.
You need to remain calm with your dog and do your best to make him feel safe and secure.
You may also observe your dog pacing around the room or looking out the window for their prior owner.Â
Generally, these symptoms go away on their own within a few days to a week once the dog adapts.
No one but you can make an intelligent decision as to whether to accept a rehomed dog.
Just as adopting a foster child can be stressful and difficult at first so can re-homing a dog. But in the end, we found it to be well-worth the effort as we ended up with the perfect companion. Hopefully you will as well.
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